i talked to my landlord and everything is fine. she says as long as i get the other half to her by the end of the month, everything is okay and that's easily do-able. brandon, sabrina, we're fine. i told you last night i didn't have any hard feelings, that i was just pissed off. now, i still don't have hard feelings and i'm not...
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kiss i love catlovers too! we should start it all over the world. did you kiss your catlover today bumperstickers and ..... biggrin also, smart thinking with saving the pictures. im going to do that now. wink
sounds like things are going good. its great youre so positive and smile ...
enjoy your day off. frown
so much for a "happy" start to the new year

while i admit the first of january was fine, this is my day so far... mad

sabrina just told me brandon's moving out ASAP. her parents have offered them a place to stay, free of charge, so they can save up for their apartment. this is after the fact of both of them telling me they...
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frown that sucks. are they going to at least give you money towards the electric bill? i hope it all works out for you. kiss
I have no idea what to tell you dave its terrible frown
happy new year everyone!

maybe, if you're lucky, i'll post how i spent the start of 2006 :p
happy new year tongue
(im irish so i think im pretty lucky) wink
my xmas, in a nutshell...

xmas eve

well, as you may or may not know, today was my christmas since my parents were leaving on a cruise early christmas day. wanna know what i got? of course you do! how silly of me to ask, right? :p

from family-

star wars complete saga
fantastic 4 two disc dvd
complete firely tv series
serenity dvd (based...
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and now you and katie are getting along again go figure :p hookahs are the shit but they are always packed and never have the damn flavor i want lol and i told you already next time you want to go ice skating i want to go

p.s. you dont touch the blade on the bottom jack ass cause that was a pretty deep gash kiss
well, yeah, but... i got naked. i mean, that's against the way of the warrior, man. i had to do it. for the honour of my shogun.

how many people do you think say "beautiful photo set" just because the girl is naked? i think alot 'cuz i've seen some sets that i think are horrid and it has comments like "great set" all over it. are you the type to write "great set" just to lift someone's spirtis? i know i'm not.
Everyone has different tastes of what is attractive though and what they consider to be attractive and a good set...

Just because YOU don't like it - doesn't mean there aren't other people out of all the members on here who won't either!
I agree with BrightRedScream you could think its the most rediculous set in the world and other people will agrue for hours about wether or not there the greatest...i mean for example you like dusty and her set's im sure not everyone on the site does wink
i have 3 friends now. oh shit. whoop whoop i'm movin' on up

jenn says my journal sucks, so i guess i'll give a normal update, even though this isn't livejournal.

lalala... um, i talked to Dusty sunday night on AIM. that girl is hilarious. talking to her kinda felt like a dream and boy, let me tell ya, i most certainly did not want...
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i think how quickly you go through all the girls will depend on how much time you have to spend looking. id say it could be anywhere from two months to eight. confused spirited away is a good movie. smile
I understand what your saying and most of the time I just wont comment if I think the set could be better and ohh by the way i love you too dave haha bastard :p
this is an interesting video game. definitely one for women :p
weirdo and your journals are boring
but i love ya anyways love lol
this is just another of my online membership thingies. here's two more...

Livejournal and Myspace

yeah, i know. not much for an exciting entry, but hey, it gives you more info on me wink
Welcome to the site!
yeah i kinda hate the independence one too... but ain't shit i could do about it.. once it's up it's there to stay... i didn't get to proof them or decide either