my new job rocks. i have eye candy (working there) out the ass, the name on my nametag can be after a video game character, i make $7.50 and i just started, i get 65% off which makes my normal meal like $2.50, and the job is fairly simple. the only hard part is learning the 50 screens of the register lol
anyway, since i...
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anyway, since i...
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glad your job is fun. see you on the eleventh.

Nooooooooooooo .... I mean OK .. come back soon ya hear!!! I have a new set debuting soon .. better not miss it!!!!!

2nd job starts tomorrow. now the test begins...
far as my birthday, i'll just say this -
All the things that I want, I can't have. All the things that I want to say, I can't say. All the things that I want to do, I can't do. The only thing that I'm doing as birthdays come and go, is learning that life gets harder...
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far as my birthday, i'll just say this -
All the things that I want, I can't have. All the things that I want to say, I can't say. All the things that I want to do, I can't do. The only thing that I'm doing as birthdays come and go, is learning that life gets harder...
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good luck at the new job tomorrow. im sorry it sounds like your birthday didnt go so well. im doing are you?

if i cancel my membership for like a few weeks til i get my tax return, do i lose anything? my name? my friends? my entries? does anybody know? 'cuz my credit card is reaching its max and i might have to cancel for like a month or so.

Happy Birthday!!

not sure about the answer to your question but i hope you have a HAPPY BIRTHDAY PISCES BOY!!!

by the way jus read ur fantasy thats sick lmao

Um one jsut got submitted last week, and hasn't gone in qeue yet, so it could be weeks or months.
hahahahahaha.... Where's Waldo?!
See How Well You Know Me... or Get to Know Me! (Take my Quiz)
life is good. not great, not horrible. told Lindsay i had a crush on her the other night. kind of wish i didn't now because i know for a fact it won't go anywhere anyway
she is something special, that's for damn sure.
i turn 26 friday. i...
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See How Well You Know Me... or Get to Know Me! (Take my Quiz)
life is good. not great, not horrible. told Lindsay i had a crush on her the other night. kind of wish i didn't now because i know for a fact it won't go anywhere anyway

i turn 26 friday. i...
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some asshole is trying to argue with me the "fact" (lol, i laugh at him) that SG is degrading...
if you have a livejournal, or want make one just to leave a comment..... here is the link
if you have a livejournal, or want make one just to leave a comment..... here is the link
so i feel kinda bad for yall here 'cuz i mainly use LiveJournal for daily details and stuff so little snippets are usually left here, but i know some of yall actually do care whats going on with me, so here's my latest "snippet" -
just finished watching Hustle & Flow again. God, i love that movie. genious.
about my missing DVDs a few posts...
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just finished watching Hustle & Flow again. God, i love that movie. genious.
about my missing DVDs a few posts...
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i say fuck alot. fuck fuck fuckity fuck.
that will be all. goodnight.
that will be all. goodnight.

hows your fucking day going so far fucker?

for the record, Final Destination 3 was awesome as fuck - my fav of the trilogy, though the highway mayhem is still kickass from pt 2 and The Pink Panther was funny as fuck. i almost died laughing during that movie.
work is alright. it's work. i totally take advantage of my job lol doing so is great. on a different note, my boss hired...
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work is alright. it's work. i totally take advantage of my job lol doing so is great. on a different note, my boss hired...
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anybody besides me looking forward to Final Destination 3 coming out this friday?!
it all starts off on a rollercoaster this time, for those who don't know.
that's probably how i'd go out from what we've already seen.
well, either that, or being splattered all over the place by a bus :p (FD1) lol for those who don't know, i've been hit by a car...
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it all starts off on a rollercoaster this time, for those who don't know.
that's probably how i'd go out from what we've already seen.
well, either that, or being splattered all over the place by a bus :p (FD1) lol for those who don't know, i've been hit by a car...
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Oooooh .. I will check out Brother Ali .. is he on a label or got no strings like Tech????
Hee hee .... writers are way cool!!!! My book is sorta autobiographical fiction .... I think its gonna be killer. I think I'll see if Adbusters can help me get it published .....
How about yous????
p.s. my clan gets bigger and bigger every day!!
Hee hee .... writers are way cool!!!! My book is sorta autobiographical fiction .... I think its gonna be killer. I think I'll see if Adbusters can help me get it published .....
How about yous????
p.s. my clan gets bigger and bigger every day!!

Thank you so much for your comment on my set!!

over the last few days i have: (in no order)
+ watched Underworld Evolution with a group of friends. 3 of them close to me.
+ gone to IHOP and pretended to have turrets in the middle of a crowded restaurant and NOT have gotten thrown out.
+ madly advanced my Star Wars: Knights of the Old Republic game save. i steer more to the...
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+ watched Underworld Evolution with a group of friends. 3 of them close to me.
+ gone to IHOP and pretended to have turrets in the middle of a crowded restaurant and NOT have gotten thrown out.
+ madly advanced my Star Wars: Knights of the Old Republic game save. i steer more to the...
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heaven sounds fun! congrats on the ihop non throwoutness.
what kind of new phone did you get?
hope youre having a great weekend.

yes screaming and yelling in IHOP whoo hoo lol

DUDE. i login & i'm looking at 4 new sets. 3 of'em are fairly good and i "fav" at least 5 pics from each -
Anarchie - In the UK
Campbell - Chance of Showers
Anita - Night Vedette
ps. have i mentioned that Jenn, Mike, Katie and I watched Annapolis this past Sunday? it was a good film., to say the least.. i also...
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Anarchie - In the UK
Campbell - Chance of Showers
Anita - Night Vedette
ps. have i mentioned that Jenn, Mike, Katie and I watched Annapolis this past Sunday? it was a good film., to say the least.. i also...
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I saw Underworld Evolution. It was acctually pretty good! I love Kate Beckinsale! I would say it's almost if not better than the first.