this past weekend fuckin' sucked, hard. in three days, my god damn life went basically teh shit, an' no one gave a fuck. i ended up breakin' down at my fuckin' job, an' no one noticed i disappeared fer 20 god damn minutes. not only that, but my gal fuckin' dropped me because the one god damned person i ended up talkin' teh jus' so happened teh be one of my fuckin' close female friends. [in case yer wondering, i suffer from ridiculously deep bouts of depression, and this wave started thursday, she dumped me on friday, and i cried at werk on friday. did ya find the connection?]
so, now i'm fuckin' angry as god damn fuck, an' i don't know why. i'm literally fuckin' screamin' the fuckin' words as i fuckin' type them on this god damn, fuckin' blog. and i guarantee that i'll get diddly from anyone on the fuckin', god damn site.
fuckin' 'ell... i'm cryin' again... god damn it...
so, now i'm fuckin' angry as god damn fuck, an' i don't know why. i'm literally fuckin' screamin' the fuckin' words as i fuckin' type them on this god damn, fuckin' blog. and i guarantee that i'll get diddly from anyone on the fuckin', god damn site.
fuckin' 'ell... i'm cryin' again... god damn it...