I guess this will be my last post, being my randomly acquired three months will be ending soon. I honestly wish I had more of a reason to stay... or something to give these three months of membership meaning... Alas, the reason I was here before has left me in my absence. I no longer have the sense of belonging in the SG community I...
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Hope you at least enjoyed your brief time back

I've been checking SuicideGirls far less than I thought I would be, given three gloriously free months and all. But it's a bit difficult to find any reason at all to write somewhere that no one really checks on. Therefore, I think I'll leave this site be and update only once more before my time is up.
If you really want to continue knowing what...
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If you really want to continue knowing what...
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Weekend Re-Cap
A six hour mountain biking excursion (1000 - 1600) caused me to (a) develop a new found respect for bikers, and (b) limp horridly (swollen, bruised knee) and figure out how to interact with objects differently (sprained wrist and bruised ribs) due to a probably very amusing to watch wipe out. Oh, and I landed three feet from a rattlesnake. Wee!
I loves...
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A six hour mountain biking excursion (1000 - 1600) caused me to (a) develop a new found respect for bikers, and (b) limp horridly (swollen, bruised knee) and figure out how to interact with objects differently (sprained wrist and bruised ribs) due to a probably very amusing to watch wipe out. Oh, and I landed three feet from a rattlesnake. Wee!
I loves...
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Time to prioritize...
I want...
...a new Nikon.
...a more powerful graphics card for my tower.
...my 360 so I can practice Cammy's move set on SF4.
...my 98 Custom so I can get Rogue Ops: SoCal off the bloody ground.
...strawberry ice cream. Mmm...
...a new Mazda3. Zoom-zoom, baby.
I need...
...topics to write about.
...to learn how to dance hip hop, salsa, and...
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I want...
...a new Nikon.
...a more powerful graphics card for my tower.
...my 360 so I can practice Cammy's move set on SF4.
...my 98 Custom so I can get Rogue Ops: SoCal off the bloody ground.
...strawberry ice cream. Mmm...
...a new Mazda3. Zoom-zoom, baby.
I need...
...topics to write about.
...to learn how to dance hip hop, salsa, and...
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thanks! well im glad u finally "discovered" me! lol <3
i work at little darlings
Who? the knifemonkey
What? It's my birthday today
Where? In Los Angeles, CA
When? From two hours ago to 22 hours from now
Why? My mother and father decided not to use protection 23 years ago
How? *shudder* Wait... What was the 'how' directed towards?
Mornin', folks. That's right: today is the 23rd celebration of my birth. And what a day it will be! There's......
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What? It's my birthday today
Where? In Los Angeles, CA
When? From two hours ago to 22 hours from now
Why? My mother and father decided not to use protection 23 years ago
How? *shudder* Wait... What was the 'how' directed towards?
Mornin', folks. That's right: today is the 23rd celebration of my birth. And what a day it will be! There's......
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I love Twitter now. Love it. Im posting all the time.
Its such a voyeur peek into people's lives!
Aside from Bonobo, how about Boom Bip, Buck 65, DJ Krush, and CocoRosie?
All varied, but you might find something you like in the mix.
Im currently listening to Noir Desir, myself.
Its such a voyeur peek into people's lives!
Aside from Bonobo, how about Boom Bip, Buck 65, DJ Krush, and CocoRosie?
All varied, but you might find something you like in the mix.
Im currently listening to Noir Desir, myself.
Attended a wedding, ate and drank a little too much, danced like an idiot, and made friends with a very, very lovely 27 year old. I'd say it was a decent Saturday...
...how did the Bride's garter end up in my pocket?
rock hard. live harder o_O
...how did the Bride's garter end up in my pocket?
rock hard. live harder o_O
Acquiring employment is either hit or miss, right? I don't recall having to go through a strenuous five day process of call backs, delays, and blow-offs... by the management of the company I'm inquiring.
Bloody hell...
rock hard. live harder. o_O
Bloody hell...
rock hard. live harder. o_O
Standing in the kitchen of some guy I had never met before tonight, I absorb my environment and smile wider than I have in weeks. I'm filled with body freezing anxiety, schoolgirl-esque excitement, slight fatigue, overwhelming joy, prepubescent awkwardness, and a slight twang of hunger {bastards were eating Hawaiian pizza}. This is sick. Never in my wildest dreams would I ever have thought...
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yeah! we have been 'online friends' for a while.
I appreciate it.
I appreciate it.
x x
Greetings, boys and girls. Your beloved knifemonkey has returned from the depths of account deactivation {being poor is such a downer} ready to rock the minds of the two {occasionally three} readers I have out in this glorious community. However, my uneventful return has caused a fair amount of stirring in my mind for I was not the one to initiate...
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People read your journal?

Har har. I remember you... wank.

i've had better... months. there's been ups, but quite a few downs. the biggest annoyance is the debt that nags me daily. any y'all have any ideas on how i can make $20,000? *sigh*
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i think i've lost the faith... and i'm not talking about religion, either...
rock hard.live harder. o_O
rock hard.live harder. o_O