a sure sign of when you have had too much to drink the night before is when you wake up on a couch and can't seem to locate your pants. . .so shocked was i by the chilly sensation passing between my legs that upon finding my pants i walked out the door of the house and walked for twelve or so miles at 6:12... Read More
let them play together, just dont house them together that is the trick, well u can house males/females together but not two of the same sex, apperently. u can always get them spayed or neutered, i just choose not to with mine, but i house them seperatly but got them a play pen that they play in together, and they dont fight. as far as fighting goes i just pick one up, but of coarse the ones i have are dwarfs
so i think someone seriously needs to open up my head for some scheduled maintenece. . . cause i had another crazy dream. perhaps it is the couch i am sleeping on (stupid thing is about 4" too short for me to stretch out completely on). maybe it is like a special dream inducing couch. maybe the people who made it... Read More
ha! all finished! well actually, i was done with classes yesterday but friends, booze, and some green leafy stuff from boston kinda made it hard to think. . . haha
anyhow, i just had a crazy wierd dream and thought i would share it since nothing else that interesting is going on. when the dream started i was exploring a house that had been burnt... Read More
now thats a cafe i would most definitely come to, not for the chilli though
me, occassionally remember some dreams, some are strange, some in color, no moral ones....
last night's dream was a severe nightmare. color, romeo&juliet themed, & every horrible description i never thought was in my head.
luckily it over now.
where do my days keep going ??? i demand to know who is responsible! bah, cowardly time thieves. . .
long day, so not a long post. sorry if i haven't checked in on any of you guys in a while, life is tossing me about viciously . new slacker class, but unusually enough i am not the one slacking, the teacher is. class from... Read More
hey, I noticed you have Monty Python listed in your favorite films section, if you haven't seen The Secret Policeman's Ball and The Secret Policeman's Other Ball, they are definately worth watching. They are hard to find because they were never released in the US on vhs or dvd as far as I can tell.
so much chocolate! sooooo tasty. today i made a white chocolate praline with a passion fruit caramel filling, a baileys irish cream milk chocolate truffle, a mayan marbled chocolate praline (tastes of cinnamon), a striped milk chocolate caramello praline, and started pouring pieces for a showpiece that hasn't been fully explained to the class. by the way a praline in chocolates is just a name... Read More
the white chocolate sounds good, but other than white chocolate i really dont like chocolate dunno why just dont. i only eat "candy" every once in a while otherwise i get sick of it and wont eat it ever, lol. sounded like a fun day, for something strange......... go look for it there is something strange everywhere and if ull look ull find, lol.
cold weather is coming and i can't wait! the only thing i don't like about winter though is it makes me really dependant on my car. . .oh well.
it rained today! unfortunately i fell asleep when i got home so i didn't get to run around in it . i chalk that up to the fact that i woke up today at 4:45AM. my... Read More