if any of you are old school transformers fans you will want to see this, cause i can't seem to stop watching it. . .
other than that not a whole lot to say. i am headed back to the east coast on another 14 hour car ride at the end of the week. maybe i will actually have a stereo by then. i probably won't stay long though, too much going on. there is a girl there also that i think i am falling for, who also happens to be a lesbian.
and guys, that chasing amy scenario does not happen. least i have never heard of it actually happening outside of movies.'
not knowing where you are headed or what you are going to do is absolutely no fun. i have all of this nervous energy that i don't know what to do with. it has been keeping me awake recently, which can be fun sometimes, just not now.

other than that not a whole lot to say. i am headed back to the east coast on another 14 hour car ride at the end of the week. maybe i will actually have a stereo by then. i probably won't stay long though, too much going on. there is a girl there also that i think i am falling for, who also happens to be a lesbian.
and guys, that chasing amy scenario does not happen. least i have never heard of it actually happening outside of movies.'
not knowing where you are headed or what you are going to do is absolutely no fun. i have all of this nervous energy that i don't know what to do with. it has been keeping me awake recently, which can be fun sometimes, just not now.
That was so worth clicking on.