so for those of you who don`t know, i am in europe right now and have been here for like a month and a half now. it has been a blast though. i was in switzerland for around a month solid studying baking and generally running around. way too much drinking, but beer is so much more amazing here! after that i was in italy...
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hey there you still around? that sounds awesome how are you affording that much travel?
he's really not in europe now i swear
wow, last night did not go as i was hoping it would. a friend of mine drove an hour to come into town to hang out, and i confess, i was hoping to get a little. we saw "thank you for smoking" which was awesome and way funnier than i was expecting, then went back to my place where she informed me that she picked...
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all girl roller durby is awesome. i saw 2 of my frinds in a match in providence, it was alot of fun. it sux when you think you might get laid, ot at least get something, and u don't. i know i have disapointed a few guys in my time.
Well I hope things are going better now.

if any of you are old school transformers fans you will want to see this, cause i can't seem to stop watching it. . .
other than that not a whole lot to say. i am headed back to the east coast on another 14 hour car ride at the end of the week. maybe i will actually have a stereo by then. i...
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other than that not a whole lot to say. i am headed back to the east coast on another 14 hour car ride at the end of the week. maybe i will actually have a stereo by then. i...
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That was so worth clicking on.
should i stay or should i go. . .
what is there to go back to?
what is worth staying for?
fuck. . .
maybe i should just start a poll. . .
what is there to go back to?
what is worth staying for?
fuck. . .
maybe i should just start a poll. . .
if your talking about here yes you better fucking stay!
as for me its both kinds im frustrated and angry yet really sad and just want to stay in bed all day

GAH! internet again at last!
fuck this shit. fuck ohio. fucking basement. fucking food. fucking dad. fucking brother. fucking lack of space. actually i take that "fucking food" thing back. the food has been great here.
after driving for fourteen hours straight, drilling holes in my mom's house, going to my dad's 50th b-day, and just trying to figure out what the hell is going...
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fuck this shit. fuck ohio. fucking basement. fucking food. fucking dad. fucking brother. fucking lack of space. actually i take that "fucking food" thing back. the food has been great here.
after driving for fourteen hours straight, drilling holes in my mom's house, going to my dad's 50th b-day, and just trying to figure out what the hell is going...
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welcome back to the land of boobies and happiness

haha well ill take that as a huge compliment since shes really hot

hmm, why does itunes think that Last Caress is Return of the Fly? that is annoying. . . oh well, will kill itunes later. . .
so, i can honestly say that i am sick and tired of people pushing ideas and theories at me, especially when all they are trying to do is justify to themselves whatever they have decided to believe in. at...
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so, i can honestly say that i am sick and tired of people pushing ideas and theories at me, especially when all they are trying to do is justify to themselves whatever they have decided to believe in. at...
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haha indeed my friend that smell is not one i want to experiance every again
Full Metal Jacket is a good movie, it was rather sad when that guy blew his brains out in the bathroom. I haven't seen Jarhead yet I don't know if I will or not. I don't know why random people just have to tell others what they think, like we care. I wouldn't go up to some random person eating meet and say something like " do you know what they do to those animals?" .
oooooh new posh set!
the day is off to an awesome start! defnintly check out #35, it is in my favorites.
almost time to drive 14 hours again with no music in my car that probably won't make it. hehe, oh well if it ceases to work i can just hope that it explodes in a gigantic fireball when it dies!
death to car!
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almost time to drive 14 hours again with no music in my car that probably won't make it. hehe, oh well if it ceases to work i can just hope that it explodes in a gigantic fireball when it dies!

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14 hrs with no music, yikes. what you should do is listen to 14hrs of music b4 you leave, then sing to yourself while in the car. a fireball would be fun, just as long as you are not in the car. i lived in providence for a couple years, i have mixed feelings about that place and the peple in it.
took a train a couple days back to NYC. trains are really nice if you don't mind stupid people who can't tell where they are and that they have missed their stop because they claim no one told them they were supposed to get off the train. . .
-got to see my mom, shes overworked but enjoying it
-went to MOMA (museum of...
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-got to see my mom, shes overworked but enjoying it
-went to MOMA (museum of...
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wow so i have been away for a long time. . .
i have for all intents and purposes graduated. i don't know what that feels like cause it really hasn't set in yet. i have just been hanging around lately and reading and largely doing nothing while the little money that i have holds out. it is really easy to lose track of time...
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i have for all intents and purposes graduated. i don't know what that feels like cause it really hasn't set in yet. i have just been hanging around lately and reading and largely doing nothing while the little money that i have holds out. it is really easy to lose track of time...
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congrats on graduating!
Heh, it is an awesome episode. A Turkish roomie? Wonderful
Congrats on graduating!!

Congrats on graduating!!

haha, i had the most amazing dream just a few hours ago. i wrote it all down here and just about finished it when i saw some new photo sets up and clicked em.
i didn't save the story.
haha, once again distraction by beautiful women has thwarted me!
anyways perhaps i will type it up again sometime for you.
Playing on my list while...
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i didn't save the story.
haha, once again distraction by beautiful women has thwarted me!
anyways perhaps i will type it up again sometime for you.
Playing on my list while...
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My wife loves Devil Went Down to Georgia. She always puts in on when she's drunk. Unless I'm forcing her to sing along to Irish rebel songs.
im doing fine, i have been a little busy for a while and havent had much time to hop on here. but thanks for asking, and how are you?