ok, i'm now taking votes for the stupidest thing ever. here's my entry:
my wook and my friend jaime decided to wake me up from a nice peaceful nap on the end of my bed curled up with my kittie by the heater. wook nudged me and jaime said my name softly. upon opening my eyes jaime opened her eyes really wide and stuck out her tongue. this was really scarey. i sort of yelped and (get this) covered my eyes with my hands. wait. let me state that again. i covered my hands with my eyes. yes ladies and gentlemen, i was hiding.
on another note it is so cold in my apartment that my nose is an icicle and i have my hoodie up. radiator heat isn't all that cool...
my wook and my friend jaime decided to wake me up from a nice peaceful nap on the end of my bed curled up with my kittie by the heater. wook nudged me and jaime said my name softly. upon opening my eyes jaime opened her eyes really wide and stuck out her tongue. this was really scarey. i sort of yelped and (get this) covered my eyes with my hands. wait. let me state that again. i covered my hands with my eyes. yes ladies and gentlemen, i was hiding.


hmmm...interesting...maybe you should get one of those lectric plug in heaters?