Euphoric splinter -
altercations spin freely;
breaching insults crash.
This was my dream: I am conducting experiments for someone: they entail laying out very large sheets of white waxy paper, perhaps three feet wide and twelve feet long, and smearing them with some kind of paste or seeds. Or maybe paints or chemicals. These change or grow somehow; the purpose of the experiment is to study this transformation. I seem to be conducting these experiments wherever I find the space: in public hallways or on stairway landings. I talk with a group of women, holding the test papers folded under my arms. The sounds they are making are indecipherable and this frustrates me. I don't seem to have clear purpose, as if I don't quite understand the experiment or am looking for someone to explain it to me...
What do you think that's all about?
There are so many ways to see and be.
Which are you? (If simple e-symbols will not do, then words will).
altercations spin freely;
breaching insults crash.
This was my dream: I am conducting experiments for someone: they entail laying out very large sheets of white waxy paper, perhaps three feet wide and twelve feet long, and smearing them with some kind of paste or seeds. Or maybe paints or chemicals. These change or grow somehow; the purpose of the experiment is to study this transformation. I seem to be conducting these experiments wherever I find the space: in public hallways or on stairway landings. I talk with a group of women, holding the test papers folded under my arms. The sounds they are making are indecipherable and this frustrates me. I don't seem to have clear purpose, as if I don't quite understand the experiment or am looking for someone to explain it to me...
What do you think that's all about?
There are so many ways to see and be.

Which are you? (If simple e-symbols will not do, then words will).
i think your dream means that you find it difficult to communicate with woman and are striving to create thought-provoking things wherever you go.
right now, i'm identifying with