Semester just started. It's lookin pretty good so far. I met a woman from Germany tonight who is beautiful. I've always wanted a woman who would scream things in another language during sex.
tell me what she says!
sorry for the lag, but hi...welcome to SGSJ.
I told Dana how I feel about her today. It didn't go well. I don't think she's interested, and now I don't know if I can be friends with her thinking she'll never feel the same. I need some time away from her for a while, but she's going to be in three of my classes startiing Wednesday. This is Hell. I can't wait for...
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ya... i've already started fantasizing about the beach for spring break... i think i'm going to go hippie and live on the beach for awhile... it's the only thing getting me through this miserable weather. Gluck with Dana if ur real friends you'll move on with ur friendship. dont stress it. Just try to focus on doing better then her in her classes... maybe she'll need to be extra snuggly to that cuddle buddy wink wink
I need a haircut. Maybe that's what I'll do this morning.
I went out with HER tonight. It pains me to only friends with a woman who is so beautiful and makes me feel so good about myself. I did get the impression that she might be starting to have some more romantic feelings about me. Unfortunately, that is probably just my imagination. Oh well. If it is meant to be it will right.
Seriously.........BOYS........all boys everywhere you need to wake up....STOP BEING SHY!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

The only way you will EVER and I mean EVER get another chance with her is if you tell her how you feel and that you want to be together. How is she suppose to know otherwise, we ladies aren't mind readers!

Really, what do you have to lose?
The move is done. We did the whole thing in about four hours. The secret to having a fast and low stress move...

Lots of help. I think we had about twelve people to help cary crap. It was a good day.
A) First, recommend to me:
1. a movie:
2. a book:
3. a musical artist, song, or album:

(B) I want everyone who reads this to ask me three questions, no more, no less. Ask me anything you want.

(C) Then I want you to go to your journal, copy and paste this allowing your friends to ask you anything.
A. 1. Movie: Bottle Rocket
2. Book: Bloodsucking Fiends by Chistopher Moore
3. Album: Green Day, American Idiot

B. 1. How sunny is Sunnyvale really?
2. Are you a career student?
3. Boxers or tighty whities?

C. Not ready to change my post yet. But I will eventually

I watched the new punisher film today, I don't mean to complain, but what was that all about? What was with the director's big thing with the mad max movies? I could name the scenes that were directly taken from the first two mad max films. (they're almost word for word) and why was it not anywhere dark enough for the punisher? and why does tom jane put me in mind of Christopher Lambert from Highlander? I enjoyed the story line, but was very pissed off with the characterisations.
So apparently pseudofedrine has an interaction with cafeine that amplifies the cafeine a few hundred times. Hense the twenty-four hours of not being able to sleep. Yeah. I learned something that would have been great to know if I weren't sick at the time.
I can't sleep. Why not? I'm tired like you wouldn't believe, but still I can't drift off into my daily escape from reallity. What the FUCK!?!

I hung out with Dana today. She makes me feel so good about myself it's frightening. If only she were interested in me. Our friendship is wonderful, don't get me wrong, but I don't think I can be friends...
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if you skrew up i'll still be you're friend
I'm moving. Sweet Baby Jesus, I finally found a new place. I'l be back in San Jose and away from this shit pit that is north Sunnyvale. I knew good things were going to happen this year. I'm off to a good start already.
New Years Eve was good. I got to try some new booze that knocked me on my ass. That doesn;t happen often so I am really impressed, especially sinse it actually tasted good. I could be in serious trouble.

I feel like things might be better this year. More money, more friends, and much more sex. I don't know why, I can just feel it....
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Why thank you... kiss
Thankyou very much sweetie blush