Only slightly jaded today.
Its awesome and very sad to hear that someone else feels the same as I do. Its been a very long time since I have been in a relationship and I can honstly say that I have never been in love. I would like to expirence that before I die or settle as a Nun!!!
If ya ever want to talk, hit me up either here or on AIM and PlaidHangover or Chesty9884
I want off of this fucking ride. One day I'm up because I think I've found her (you know, HER), and the next I'm ready to jump off of something tall because someone else gets her..

Of course she chose him. Of course I get left behind. Of course I'm the one with heart ache and strife. Why? Because there's just something about me that...
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behave...the world needs kittens biggrin

And stop being so hard on yourself...someday it will come...granted i've been waiting for 4 long years now but...someday hopefully we will find our other half...if not...at least i get to keep my $ and the whole bed biggrin
I'm completely infatuated AGAIN. I need to knock this shit off.
Semester starts tomorrow. Finally something to take my mind off of how miserable I am.

"Can anybody find me somebody to love?"
Don't second guess urself hun....good advice...its hard to find the moments that make us happy and hold onto them....they're too far and few between....i think i just drink too much...ha....
I feel like an outsider, no matter where I go or what I do. I don't feel like I have anything in common with anyone. I need something to prove to me that I belong here. Otherwise, I might as well move on. I'm tired of feeling so alone. It's wearing me down. I don't even feel like I can function some days.

The longer...
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I do understand what your saying....u feel like even though you know that old relationship is destructive....at least you'll..."feel" something by being in it...

i think that's why i keep hangin on to my crush....otherwise there'd be no one and i would be left feeling untterly unattractive, unworthy and alone....

people always tell you it gets better but...i just think we manage to block it out more as time goes on...but it is always there....

at least you are having sex...i'm just having my mind fucked now and its not pretty...

i hope you start to feel better soon..just know not alone...your not invisible...and you will make a choice as to which direction u wanna let your heart go...don't be so hard on your self....take care of you kiss
not sad at all....most of my nights out end up with me really wasted and home alone....u get used to it after a while biggrin
I'm back from Maryland. That was a good trip. More details later.
Baltimore is awesome. I don't want to go home. Later.
So you liked? smile

I'm so hungover right now....was a fun night!
When glass breaks, the cracks can move faster than 3,000 miles per hour. To photograph the event, a camera must shoot at a millionth of a second!

A Strange but true fact brought to you by the Non Fiction group. smile
"I only have sex with women I am trully in love with... Do you think it's possible for true love to only last fifteen minutes?" - my buddy Kevin

Do you see what I have to put up with when I don't have any female friends around?
I think your friend is right though. Kidding, kidding, though it is possible for it to last just for a long weekend. Trust me.

I guess I didn't think anyone would be pissed, but I made such a big thing about saying goodbye that I know some might be annoyed they aren't getting the break they thought they were. Like when I was in fourth grade and I moved across town and transferred to another school and all the kids in my class signed this cute "friends forever" plaque and gave it to me, and I came back later that week. I know some of them were peeved. wink
thanks hun...but i'm sure you only said that cause you've seen my boobs biggrin tongue wink
"Renee? Hey how've you been," Chris asked. It had been years since he'd seen the slender blonde, and he couldn't believe his eyes. She still looked exactly as he remembered her. Exactly the same. Ten years should have changed her at least a little, he thought, as he stared into the hazel eyes he had often hoped he would see again someday.

"I thought I...
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i had LapBand surgery
less than a 24 hour hospital stay, and I was back at work in a week and a half....hurt like a fucker tho
No matter how much of a bitch she was, being alone still sucks ass. I can't believe how excruciating it feels to wake up alone, and it's been since Valentine's Day. I guess living with someone for six years will do that. I just feel so alone...

I feel like I need some female companionship. I've been surrounded by too much testosterone lately. I don't...
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i don't have a "wank" and that sounds incredibly painful... I do try to keep the teeth uninvolved