I'm 27 and no one ever bothered to tell me that you could get a cold in June. Holy sweet Jebus that was aweful. I'm back to normal now, though, and ready for love. Or, at least ready to leave the house for the first time in almost two weeks. I never missed the sun so much.
More Blogs
Monday Jun 27, 2005
I found out this morning that I'm alergic to cigarettes. That explai… -
Saturday Jun 18, 2005
I'm so ronery, so ronery so ronery and sadry arone. There's no one,… -
Wednesday Jun 15, 2005
I'm 27 and no one ever bothered to tell me that you could get a cold … -
Monday Jun 06, 2005
one month and six days 'til I leave. Then I won't have anything to w… -
Sunday Jun 05, 2005
Today I am sitting around watching Lost in Translation. Such a good … -
Saturday Jun 04, 2005
I have a cold. How the hell do you get a cold in June. My lungs fee… -
Tuesday May 31, 2005
I feel like such an emo wreck. I can't stop feeling like I'm going t… -
Tuesday May 24, 2005
Apperently I'm a Carrie. -
Monday May 23, 2005
I'm 27. Dammit. Why won't my family leave me alone about "finding… -
Sunday May 22, 2005
Low turnout for the barbeque, but all the people I really wanted to s…
i just got over a cold too... i thought i was going to die and i had to work EVERY day that i was sick