Concert Fing rocked. Bloodhound Gang are nasty. The whole time they were barfing and spitting on eachother. and at the end, Evil Jarred Hasselhoff got a blowjob from some chick in the audience. These guys are twisted.

One of the openning bands was this metal band from Japan called Electric Eel Shock. You wouldn't think it from looking at them when they came on stage...
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Jealous that you go to see the Blood Hound Gang, but dont envy you seeing him get a bj. Not cool at all!!!
well, Im sure it was cool. Im just bitter you got to go!!!
Goingn down to Anaheim next Friday. Bloodhound Gang concert next Saturday. Fickin sweet!
Have fun, Im quite jealous!!! smile
My best friend from high school is coming into town next weekend. This will be the first time I will have seen him since he had a kid. Wierd, but it will be fun anyway. biggrin
absolutely nothing is wrong with them..just saying that only nice boys in the internet like me instead of nice boys IRL.
Why would you hang out with a guy all the time, more than anyone else, if you're not interested? It's because you like being the center of attention and as long as you don't have a bofriend you might as well get the attention somewhere. With no regard for how it might affect him, you do all the things that a woman who's interested would...
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Gyarr, harr, harr.

My pirate name be:
Dread Pirate Vane

Thanks to perfert_equation for that.
ARRR!!! To the Dread Pirate Vane, and may all your days of pillaging be merry!!! ARRR!!!
thank you giant pirate eyeball. tongue
I feel like I'm flailing. I hang out with my crush all the time, but she's not interested. I'm wasting my time hoping she'll come around. Meanwhile I let other oportunities fall to the wayside. This woman make me feel alive again, but i don't stand a chance. I need to move on. I need to feel loved for once.
The longer I go on, the less I want to. The more friends I make, the more alone I feel. The better I do in school, the more I feel like it's all for nothing. The more people compliment me, the more I'm reminded of the flaws they're not mentioning. I have moments when I don't think about it, but those moments require extreme concentration...
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I'm married with a child and I still feel really alone a lot of the time. I totally get what you're saying. All I have for you is a stupid fact and an even stupider emoticon kiss. kiss
Thank you for the comment on my set. It really made my day!
i would never expect you to love Me
such a feeling is wasted on a wretch
though I try to hide my heart
my transparenCy shows all

every smile gives me false hope
every toucH a lifetime in a moment
flEeting joy is found in you
dashing my souL on jagged shores

beauty to make a Lifetime of dreams
such cunning in a woman, never...
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I hope you dont actually feel like that! You are very cool, and as far as Im concerned you are a sweet heart! You deserve a great girl to go along with a great guy! YOU!!!
Trying to study. Not working. Distracted. Maybe I need beer.
Beer is always good for distraction!!!
sounds like me....although I now miss distracting school work since I'm no longer in it frown
I went to the scottish games and gathering today. It was great. I got to here some great music and those women that do the caber toss rock. Tons of beautiful women there too. I can't believe I didn't talk to any of them. I'm a puss.
I know dont they? This girl makes them. Molds faces out of leather, and put them on things. Ie: tissue box holder and drawers.
See Here smile
Im so bummed that I didn't go. Im sad, honestly, I had a lot of fun last time!!! Well, Im glad one of us had fun!
Only slightly jaded today.
Its awesome and very sad to hear that someone else feels the same as I do. Its been a very long time since I have been in a relationship and I can honstly say that I have never been in love. I would like to expirence that before I die or settle as a Nun!!!
If ya ever want to talk, hit me up either here or on AIM and PlaidHangover or Chesty9884
I want off of this fucking ride. One day I'm up because I think I've found her (you know, HER), and the next I'm ready to jump off of something tall because someone else gets her..

Of course she chose him. Of course I get left behind. Of course I'm the one with heart ache and strife. Why? Because there's just something about me that...
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behave...the world needs kittens biggrin

And stop being so hard on yourself...someday it will come...granted i've been waiting for 4 long years now but...someday hopefully we will find our other half...if not...at least i get to keep my $ and the whole bed biggrin