my moms boyfreind just made a spam, velveta, and miracle whip sandwich... he grilled it so the rank smell is permiating the air...nasty... i just made a pot of coffee and im going to go rent a movie in a few hours. God im a loser this will be the first time ive left the house in about 2 weeks. Zona is so hot... suicide...
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'tis no sandwich...'tis a bomb!
I havent left the house in days... i havent worn a bra for just as many days as ive been holed up at home. new years and chrismas were just like any other days of the week except i had an excuse to get drunk.
stacked and no bra. mmmmmmm.......

how come you haven't been out of the house? weather? and what's a nice hippie girl like you doing in the wilds of alaska?

kiss wink kiss