April 1st. Starting the month off right with a SG bulletine.
So, my birthday is on Friday the 13th of this month, well, actually it's on the 12 but who seriously wants to party on Thursday the 12? Yeah, I thought so...
It's going to be a costume party as well, with a dandy/ burlesque theme to it. So, if you guys are interested in...
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So, my birthday is on Friday the 13th of this month, well, actually it's on the 12 but who seriously wants to party on Thursday the 12? Yeah, I thought so...
It's going to be a costume party as well, with a dandy/ burlesque theme to it. So, if you guys are interested in...
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Thanks for your friendship! 

hi! yes, tim kern (ymonster) did two of my tattoos. he is a wonderful guy
Okay, so I am deciding to have a suprise birthday party for myself. My birthday is on Thursday the 12th of April, since I work the next morning I plan on throwing a Friday the 13th birthday party bash. I want you fools to come too!! I am not sure where to have it or what's going on yet but I'll give you guys the...
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me-pick me 

What do you guys and gals think of our couple new photos??
Ypi guys should come out bowling with us next week. It'll be a great time. It'll be a great time or I'll find a hobo to come out and dance for our amusement.

We already have a day picked. It's next Monday. The event is posted in the SGTC group.
SATURDAY NIGHT!!!!... was amazing! One of my fantasies came true.

thats all we get??? no details?
can i make your next fantasy come true?
we should chill
we should chill
Valentines Day... well, a lot of people are not any bit about this holiday. I, in the other hand, enjoy it. It might be sort of corny and "you can do something nice for someone any other day" but I mean it sort of makes you stop and think about people who you care about and people who care about you. Plus, I got to...
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Wow, it's been anther long time since me or the lady have been on this site. Maybe it's because we are both busy as fuck and have no time for anything else but work, school, eating, and sleeping. I think I can speak for both of us on saying the days have been long and tedious. Oh well though, that's life.
So, last night I...
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So, last night I...
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Wow.. I haven't been on SG for quite a while. How was everyone's new years?? Mine was pretty rad even though I tried having a party at a buddy of mines, but only like three people showed up... so yeah. I ditched my own party. I am a boring person and don't have much to say.. oh, I might (pretty sure) be getting a job...
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my new year was very uneventful. how are you guys???
Wow. . . I have come to the conclusion that Knate and I are pretty much making it seem like we're the lamest people on this site. It's been a while since we have posted anything on here so I figured that I would take the liberty to do so.
I guess what most people don't realise is that not everyone on here are THE...
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I guess what most people don't realise is that not everyone on here are THE...
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you can't be anymore lame than most peple on here. Well other than your posting a "friends only" journal... now THAT'S lame
I hardly ever look at the girls anymore. Most of us are (sitll) here because of the friends we made while hanging out together.
Any chance for a free slice if me and the girl are out and about?

I hardly ever look at the girls anymore. Most of us are (sitll) here because of the friends we made while hanging out together.
Any chance for a free slice if me and the girl are out and about?

What Juan said, really.
So I've been looking for a job in Minneapolis for the last two weeks and still haven't found anything. Does anyone know of or have any kick ass jobs openings out there. Or even where would be a cool place to apply. I sort of want something closer to where I live; I live near 3rd and Franklin. And help would be fantastic...
hey there greetings and salutations-welcome to the deep freeze-as far as employment you may be able to find retail/book store work but if you are looking for more permenant professional type work try looking in citypages, startrib and online at the job core sites. id love to hook you up with people and meet ya- also if you are interested in getting to know the sgtc group feel free to join up and stuff. most of them dont bite-me on the other hand- im kinda iffy on that one
you both sound hot and intreguing-contact me-i dont disappoint.

Heya Knate, sorry to accept your request that late but I moved in a new appartment and don't have the internet yet, and it SUCKS!!!
I'll come bye when I'll be able to enjoy SG at my place, finally!!
I'll come bye when I'll be able to enjoy SG at my place, finally!!
alright, well, I see tha knate has done the liberty of making the first blog. I'm not too sure how this whole sharing thing will work, I guess he can do most of the work. As of right now i'm in Chicago for the "holidays". Hanging out with some family and stuff. I'll be getting a few parties in I suppose, but nothing too exciting...
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Welcome you guys. I hope to get a chance to meet you sometime. Minneapolis is a pretty kick ass town if you ask me. Of course you need to brace for winter now.

you guys look like awesome fun
you should come rock out with us sgtc folk
you should come rock out with us sgtc folk