I cant wait to live in phoenix again, only 18 months left till I'm no longer obligated to the military. Gotta say I cant wait. Still feels like I'm going outta my mind sometimes, but it helps to vent here. I am a proud American but i am also a fringe type of person that chafes at the whole discipline thing. Funny that i am an exemplary serviceman. I love my country, but i hate what i have to do to make the the "mighty navy" work. Most officers are push-button types. they put in their 60cent and get a coke. Never thinking about who harvests acres of corn for the high fructose corn syrup, or the person mining the aluminium ore to make the coke/can possible. Sorry, again I am venting. On another note, I am going to see my Brother, Nephew, and Niece in 2 weeks! Yay! Maybe that will put me straight for a while. Any suggestions on how to stay sane till than?...

thank you sir!

Your very welcome!..