Well its been awhile happy campers, though as usual I do not have much to say. Bah Humbug to Christmas, its not about celebrating anything but the almighty dollar, and the numerous ways to fleece others. Its done in a very vitreous way, though they try to hide their robbery behind candy canes and large fluffy white beards. Enough of that, Thanksgiving is the best holiday, Family, Food, and Football, that is all I require. I just got back from thirty days of leave in which I had the best time. Went to the Grand Canyon - again - yes I am addicted.
I now have over 400 miles hiked and almost all of the trails on the south rim. Also got to see all of my family, I feel so blessed at times. That's all for now and as usual...
Love, Peace, and Chicken Grease!

Love, Peace, and Chicken Grease!
haha so far anyway!
Thank you for the comment on my set "Scissors"