I can't study ahhhhhhhhhh!!!!!!!! EL SUICIDO LOCO
Hello everyone,
I'm not sure who reads this or who cares but as of yesterday I am seriously considering another vocation, a 2nd time offender for child abuse, got off on a loop hole in court. Wow Where is the justice. Maybe Ill just become a plastic surgueon. puke
Is at the dr. Office and then off to school. Awwww snap
It's not kosher to post something like this, but fuck it... I'm horny! But I'm trying to go a few months with out any kind of stimulation... I might fail today... Damn kiss
Why are you trying to go without??
It started when a friend of mine and I got into a debate about hedonism and self preservation... So we are doing a little experiment.... We are denying what we love for awhile.It's kind of stupid but, it's fairly intresting as well. How was your weekend? Any fathers day plans?
I got all signed up for my last classes today and then its deciding which law school to attend...Blah I am not looking forward to that...East coast or west coast? Any suggestions? I was accepted to NYU, Georgetown, Gonzaga, U of O, and BC? I should just accept the fact that Ill be in debt for a good chunk of my life.

I'm also looking...
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Today was an alright day, besides the fact that Verizon wants me to pay them for a number that is not mine! I want to go to the pool or lake on the next wicked hot day, anyone want to come?
I'm being very dramatic so a thousand pardons! I need to vent!


So I officially stayed up for 24 hrs....Not like this is some big feat, but I've been trying to sleep, therefore this sucks. Its the War. I can't sleep because I get wicked bad dreams, and I think that I'm back in Iraq.... I guess the good news is that I get...
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Well I just got back from the beach. I met up with a few friends but the weekend was mostly about me. I got the outline done for my sleeve, and now I just have to get coloring and shading done. Ill post more pictures when I get to them. I'm wicked excited to be on SG now!

KMFW...Aka Kyle

and I found a random...
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Im not very good at introductions, but Ive been a fan of SG for a long time, kind of creepy but I didn't have a GF when I went over to Iraq so I had a picture of Missy Suicide inside my helmet and the SG logo drawn on the back of my helmet. Im really glad to be here, I feel a little bit...
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Ehy Kyle!!
welcome on SG!!
hope you have a lot of fun! wink
kisses J kiss
Hey Thank for writing me and adding me, I'm glad I'm on now. you should comment on my pictures!