Saturday Nov 13, 2004 Nov 13, 2004 0 Facebook Tweet Email i have a thing. . . . . . .that whenever someone cool dies (in this case, the ODB), it only makes me notice how many lame people are still alive and that causes me to become very hostile I dunno if that happens to anyone else. . VIEW 6 of 6 COMMENTS kmfcm: only cool people die in general and don't get me started on making music videos in which pop stars die I've got too many ideas to share Nov 15, 2004 estrada: ODB was amazing so he had to die. Meanwhile Sean Combs roams the earth. Nov 15, 2004
only cool people die in general
and don't get me started on making music videos in which pop stars die
I've got too many ideas to share
Meanwhile Sean Combs roams the earth.