well, as usual I'm ahead of myself again
There was something on Tumblr that someone showed me, it said "the more you hate the more you laugh"
that should be the slogan for the internet as a whole
NOBODY is "nice" on the internet
you should thank whatever deity there might possibly (maybe) be, that the majority of people on the internet are not in charge of nuclear weapons
we'd all die
it seriously brings out the worst in everybody
it's not just the anonymity
it's the voice it gives a person for whatever is in their heads that they cannot tell the people in their online lives
nobody takes anything on it seriously, so all the horrible shit you say will be taken as a joke, so if one person gets offended, there's no consequences because it's not in person, but most likely, nobody will be offended because they'll think it's a joke and either go along with it or ignore it. . . . .and what's the funniest joke? the joke that's at another persons expense. many peoples expense.
. . .but who can laugh when a joke is at their own expense. Not many people. That's invincibility. Nothing can hurt you if you're that guy. Not a damn thing.
. . .but then, what is life but a joke at the expense of the entire human race?
most of us know this. . .whether consciously or subconsciously. . . .and that's why we laugh at other peoples misfortune.. . .it's not us. .. .just this once.. . .we laugh at the impossible dreams.. . .the delusional optimism. .and the eventual disappointment, that is life. . .because the joke is never on ALL OF THE PEOPLE, ALL OF THE TIME. . .it shifts. . . the good times only exist to make the bad times worse. .right?
. . .and it gets to you, and you think terrible thoughts. . . . . but you might be scared to tell these thoughts to your mom, or your SO or your co-workers (unless of course you've figured it all out and just stopped giving a fuck). . .so where do you go?
the internet
truly the last place where the first amendment means anything at all (to a point)
and for how much longer??
who knows?
all I know is, this thing has given us all crucial insight into the minds of the rest of the human race. . . ..
. . . .if you honestly still have any faith, either you're not paying attention, or you're taking it all as a joke.
none of it's a joke though
it's all real
You think nobody's their real self on the internet?
on the contrary
it's the only place anyone is their real self
and everyones real self is a fucking scumbag
someone who just wishes they were the only person in the planet, because all they see is how much of a fucking scumbag everyone is
and that's why anarchy wouldn't work
we'd all just kill each other
in a nutshell
is what the next Kindergarten Hazing Ritual full length is going to be about
"the more you hate, the more you laugh"
coming whenever we get to it
Of course, I vote for sheer honestly. What you see is what you get, whether online of in person. That's the way I live it. Why be dual in nature? It's like Jekyl and Hyde only it's the internet that's the catalyst drug of change. It's not worth the effort for me to waste my time being something I'm not.