the fucking TUNES!!!
all the bands
all the labels
all the distros
all the kids that put on the shows
all the kids that tell me about new shit, old shit, shit I missed out on
all the music blogs, zines, venues etc.
anyone of any genre I do listen to, did listen to, will listen to
the fucking tunes man
that's all there is now
I have nothing else
life is pretty much a sham in any other regard
a complete fucking joke
pretty much every friend I've made, and everything I've ever accomplished is in some way related to what?
fucking TUNES man
I don't drive in silence
I don't take a train without my headphones
and if you ever saw me smile(especially this fucking year), I was probably at a show
you know this man
thanks Carcass and My Bloody Valentine for getting back together a doing a fucking tour
a really huge monumental thing happened this year
but if I live past 40 (and I'm not too sure I'm even looking forward to that shit at all. I ain't gonna go jump off a bridge or some bullshit like that. . .but what the fuck is there from that point?!?!? tell me. I'm 28 and live with my parents. WOOHOO!!!)
all I'm going to remember is "I saw Carcass and My Bloody Valentine"
quote me
2008 was bullshit
complete bullshit
my faith is in negative numbers man
in humanity, life, you fucking name it
but there's good shit to listen to all the time
there will never NOT be good shit to listen to (yes, even new shit. . .seriously)
so yeah
that's what I'm thankful for
maybe there'll be more next year
I have no idea
I do already know two shows I'm going to though. . . . .ha ha ha
big up RodSerling
I'm out
have a good sugar-coated-genocide day
all the bands
all the labels
all the distros
all the kids that put on the shows
all the kids that tell me about new shit, old shit, shit I missed out on
all the music blogs, zines, venues etc.
anyone of any genre I do listen to, did listen to, will listen to
the fucking tunes man
that's all there is now
I have nothing else
life is pretty much a sham in any other regard
a complete fucking joke
pretty much every friend I've made, and everything I've ever accomplished is in some way related to what?
fucking TUNES man
I don't drive in silence
I don't take a train without my headphones
and if you ever saw me smile(especially this fucking year), I was probably at a show
you know this man
thanks Carcass and My Bloody Valentine for getting back together a doing a fucking tour
a really huge monumental thing happened this year
but if I live past 40 (and I'm not too sure I'm even looking forward to that shit at all. I ain't gonna go jump off a bridge or some bullshit like that. . .but what the fuck is there from that point?!?!? tell me. I'm 28 and live with my parents. WOOHOO!!!)
all I'm going to remember is "I saw Carcass and My Bloody Valentine"
quote me
2008 was bullshit
complete bullshit
my faith is in negative numbers man
in humanity, life, you fucking name it
but there's good shit to listen to all the time
there will never NOT be good shit to listen to (yes, even new shit. . .seriously)
so yeah
that's what I'm thankful for
maybe there'll be more next year
I have no idea
I do already know two shows I'm going to though. . . . .ha ha ha
big up RodSerling
I'm out
have a good sugar-coated-genocide day
Well, I allowed my account to renew for another year. The addiction has me in its clutches! 

I kinda just happened upon this page, but this post is awesome because thats what i was thinking!!