so now I've brought the number posts here:
1. point for me. .. it's been like 4 days, but you should probably know why
2. Hollywood Streetwalker = officially officially on hiatus. In other news, I really will be the last person I know to escape this hole of a town. . . . .and it probably won't happen til I die.
3. went to my first show of 2008. Exodus, Goatwhore Arsis and Warbringer.
So happy to FINALLY get to see Arsis. I've tried to see them like twice and they had to cancel. Good to see them on a tour where they aren't opening for shitty teenage metalcore bands too. They better not break up til they've headlined. Dammit. Warbringer are the second new thrash band I can say I really dig. Goatwhore were awesome as usual and Exodus fucking killed. They still play a lot of old stuff too (well why wouldn't they. . .even with this whole new sound they've got lately).
4. job still blows ass. . . .even after christmas
5. I took VD awareness day off again. I simply cannot be bothered with delivering flowers to the staff composed almost entirely of dumb cunts that got hired for their looks. I'd kick someone in the face before too long. I was gonna try not to leave the house. . .but since everyones there now (grandma's doing terrible lately, and mom got laid off) I'll have to go at some point. . .besides, I wanna go to the dept of labor and see what to do about addingthis terrible chapter to my resume without making people think I want another god damn mailroom job. . .because I don't. . .at all.)
6. while you settle for falling in love, i shall rise in hate
(that's mine, you can't have it)
7. and last but not least
. . .for the memories
. . . .no, you haven't seen the last of us.
1. point for me. .. it's been like 4 days, but you should probably know why
2. Hollywood Streetwalker = officially officially on hiatus. In other news, I really will be the last person I know to escape this hole of a town. . . . .and it probably won't happen til I die.
3. went to my first show of 2008. Exodus, Goatwhore Arsis and Warbringer.
So happy to FINALLY get to see Arsis. I've tried to see them like twice and they had to cancel. Good to see them on a tour where they aren't opening for shitty teenage metalcore bands too. They better not break up til they've headlined. Dammit. Warbringer are the second new thrash band I can say I really dig. Goatwhore were awesome as usual and Exodus fucking killed. They still play a lot of old stuff too (well why wouldn't they. . .even with this whole new sound they've got lately).
4. job still blows ass. . . .even after christmas
5. I took VD awareness day off again. I simply cannot be bothered with delivering flowers to the staff composed almost entirely of dumb cunts that got hired for their looks. I'd kick someone in the face before too long. I was gonna try not to leave the house. . .but since everyones there now (grandma's doing terrible lately, and mom got laid off) I'll have to go at some point. . .besides, I wanna go to the dept of labor and see what to do about addingthis terrible chapter to my resume without making people think I want another god damn mailroom job. . .because I don't. . .at all.)
6. while you settle for falling in love, i shall rise in hate
(that's mine, you can't have it)
7. and last but not least
. . .for the memories
. . . .no, you haven't seen the last of us.
Sorry to hear about Hollywood Street Walker. I'm not sure if I've asked this before, but was it difficult to be in a band with a chick? Or did it fuel your work with Kindergarten Hazing Ritual?