finally saw Paprika last night
Satoshi Kon owns all anime
(even Gainax aren't as consistantly awesome as this guy. . .granted, that's because they have 2 departments making shows now, but really)
that's it
if you liked Paranoia Agent but thought it was a little too bummer, you'll dig Paprika(not really bummer).
Even the music reminded me of that show actually.
o spoilers, but a couple of things to mention about the flick. ..
- giant Geisha that looks like Mrs. Swan
- huge toy parade (and go fig, I watched Akira right after. . . .remember the bear and the car on Tetsuo's bed?)
figures, I watch a flick about dreams and then I have a dream.
bunch of college freinds I've not seen in years (but have as myspace friends) were in it
not really bad either
that's a first
Satoshi Kon is amazing. Best anime director working right now.