1. i need to quit
2. Gaza are a fucking excellent band. I saw them on tour with Genghis Tron (though, G Tron cancelled). They fucking owned the night. Their singer is bloody tall. Ed Gein owned too. They played a new song. Shit was hot.
One of the opening bands, Rising Up Rising Down, are insanely awesome. check 'em out on mywaste. They remind me of Gride.
We were talking about how there are so few grind bands in our respective areas, and Logan said it was because all the people that like the same stuff around here are scattered around and don't know eachother . . .compared to a place like, say, Syracuse or Louisville Kentucky, or Austin Texas where there's a huge group of people that like good shit so there's a hundred good bands from those areas.
3. indian food for the win
4. I enjoy being picky. It keeps me out of terrible situations I don't want to be in. Like that girl at the pharmacy yesterday, with the big eyes and the dark red hair and nice round behind. . .I would've had to talk to her.. . . luckily, she had an annoying little munchkin following her around.
. . . . also helps that her mom was there with her.
I don't hit on girls, but if I did, I sure as hell wouldn't do it with her mom present. . .especially a white girl, that's just looking for trouble.

5. that new Ministry joint is damn good. They are going out on a high note. I have to make sure I see them when they tour next year. . .even if they do it on a damn Wednesday, like they did last year.
We're so barren for good shows in these parts, when they do come they're on weekdays. . .fuck it, it's not like I need sleep that bad.
6. I am 90% done with my grindcore album about myspace.

EOST's early stuff that is, Susurrate has two tracks that really hit hard: Pistaccio Places and Thorn In Yer Grip.