Maryland Death Fest. . . . . . . .man. . . . . . .. . .mannnnnnnnnn . . . . . .that was some weekend.
7 of the 10 grind-knowledgable people in the entire county(if there's anymore of you that I don't know who are present, you should speak up) were present. . .that is, all of Hollywood Streetwalker, and the Ralphs
we handed out a lot of demos. . . ..for both HWSW and KHR.
We met Birdflesh
and Jigsore Terror (same members)
and braved terrible terrible heat
they DO need a better venue for that thing
but other than that, I can't really complain too much.
the sound was mostly bad the first day
but just about everyone sounded better the second day (especially Birdflesh and Jigsore Terror. . . .they must have thier own sound guy)
highlights are. . .. .
Birdflesh (again, nicest dudes ever)
Cripple Bastards (I shoudl've known a band with THAT album cover couldn't possibly suck in any way)
Jigsore Terror (see Birdflesh. . .same members)
Brutal Truth (well DUH. . . .being, as I found out, one of the ONLY people that likes the shit they did after '94)
Rotten Sound (who did not bring merch at all, denied. . .but, they did have the best sound the whole first day)
Skitsystem (who were criminally gypped out of set time by Nunwhore Commando 666 going too long. . . more on that later)
Foetopsy (don't fuck with Wisconsin)
Retaliation (one of the angriest bands in Sweden)
Ghoul (they look like the Mentors)
Cock and Ball Torture (who got the only fight in the pit of the whole weekend. . . .that I actually saw)
Flagitous Idiosyncracy in the Dilapidation (wow, it's NOT an urban myth) (not only that, they actually hung out at the merch table, and seemed totally not creeped out. . . . .I must grudgingly give props)
I liked EVERY BAND that played the pre-show
Defeatist, Pisschrist, Putrid Pile (who I didn't think would be cybergrind), Insect Warfare (fellow SNK fans, fuck yeah!. . .not to mention, really ice guys, for a band who have a song called "death to false grind". . .I dunno. . .I kinda thought they'd be snots) and Pig Destroyer all owned. . . . . .
Putird Pile had the best sound of that night
that is definitely how you do cybergrind in a live setting
Nunwhore Commando. . .defintely NOT how you do cybergrind in a live setting
. . . .unfortunate. . . I liked them on MP3
I was annoyed at the amount of bands who did NOT bring merch. . but well. . Skitsystem have their whole catalog up on their website for download. . .they're just gangsta like that.
but really. . . .Rotten Sound's last EP did not come out in the US. . . .at all. ..
none of the other distros even had it
I don't know what's going on with them. . .but it blows
I want that record, it's fucking good
Jigsore had no CDs either. . .and they'd impressed me enough live that I wanted one. . BAD
I'm about to download them right now
well, we have a recordplayer at the house again now. .
so, I grabbed the new AnB/Kill teh Client split, the Birdflesh/Hatebeak split and the Antigama/Rot split
(BTW - no new Antigama album. . .DENIED)
I bought a lot less CDs than last year. . but I DID find the 3rd Oxiplegatz album (that nobody on soulseek will let me have), and VEVET CACOON ALBUMS! WHAT?!?!?!
as for how my first long road trip with my new band worked out. .
as far as I know, we're still a band
but I'm pretty sure they must be annoyed by the fact that I hate EVERYTHING
oh yeah
that is something I've come to realize about myself in the past couple months
you look in the dictionary under "curmudgeon" and there's my fucking face
but still, nothing got me down this weekend
and that's all there is to it
7 of the 10 grind-knowledgable people in the entire county(if there's anymore of you that I don't know who are present, you should speak up) were present. . .that is, all of Hollywood Streetwalker, and the Ralphs
we handed out a lot of demos. . . ..for both HWSW and KHR.
We met Birdflesh
and Jigsore Terror (same members)
and braved terrible terrible heat
they DO need a better venue for that thing
but other than that, I can't really complain too much.
the sound was mostly bad the first day
but just about everyone sounded better the second day (especially Birdflesh and Jigsore Terror. . . .they must have thier own sound guy)
highlights are. . .. .
Birdflesh (again, nicest dudes ever)
Cripple Bastards (I shoudl've known a band with THAT album cover couldn't possibly suck in any way)
Jigsore Terror (see Birdflesh. . .same members)
Brutal Truth (well DUH. . . .being, as I found out, one of the ONLY people that likes the shit they did after '94)
Rotten Sound (who did not bring merch at all, denied. . .but, they did have the best sound the whole first day)
Skitsystem (who were criminally gypped out of set time by Nunwhore Commando 666 going too long. . . more on that later)
Foetopsy (don't fuck with Wisconsin)
Retaliation (one of the angriest bands in Sweden)
Ghoul (they look like the Mentors)
Cock and Ball Torture (who got the only fight in the pit of the whole weekend. . . .that I actually saw)
Flagitous Idiosyncracy in the Dilapidation (wow, it's NOT an urban myth) (not only that, they actually hung out at the merch table, and seemed totally not creeped out. . . . .I must grudgingly give props)
I liked EVERY BAND that played the pre-show
Defeatist, Pisschrist, Putrid Pile (who I didn't think would be cybergrind), Insect Warfare (fellow SNK fans, fuck yeah!. . .not to mention, really ice guys, for a band who have a song called "death to false grind". . .I dunno. . .I kinda thought they'd be snots) and Pig Destroyer all owned. . . . . .
Putird Pile had the best sound of that night
that is definitely how you do cybergrind in a live setting
Nunwhore Commando. . .defintely NOT how you do cybergrind in a live setting
. . . .unfortunate. . . I liked them on MP3
I was annoyed at the amount of bands who did NOT bring merch. . but well. . Skitsystem have their whole catalog up on their website for download. . .they're just gangsta like that.
but really. . . .Rotten Sound's last EP did not come out in the US. . . .at all. ..
none of the other distros even had it
I don't know what's going on with them. . .but it blows
I want that record, it's fucking good
Jigsore had no CDs either. . .and they'd impressed me enough live that I wanted one. . BAD
I'm about to download them right now
well, we have a recordplayer at the house again now. .
so, I grabbed the new AnB/Kill teh Client split, the Birdflesh/Hatebeak split and the Antigama/Rot split
(BTW - no new Antigama album. . .DENIED)
I bought a lot less CDs than last year. . but I DID find the 3rd Oxiplegatz album (that nobody on soulseek will let me have), and VEVET CACOON ALBUMS! WHAT?!?!?!
as for how my first long road trip with my new band worked out. .
as far as I know, we're still a band
but I'm pretty sure they must be annoyed by the fact that I hate EVERYTHING
oh yeah
that is something I've come to realize about myself in the past couple months
you look in the dictionary under "curmudgeon" and there's my fucking face
but still, nothing got me down this weekend
and that's all there is to it

Man I gotta move tehre, so we can hate on everything together while rocking out.