thanks to all those who helped my buddy's band out.
I don't know what happened yet.
I'll tell you when I do.
I'm going to see the Deftones (and. . .quite coincidentally. . .Dir en grey) in June.
me, my best friend, and his roommate, had pretty much all attempted to log on at the same time.
I had tickets. . .but blew it (I was at work, and forgot my password for ticketmaster)
my buddy was supposed to buy both mine and his tickets anyway though. . .and he got through.
other dude did too.
the presale rush. . .arrrgh. . .
and to think, when the Pumpkins come back, I'm gonna have to do it all over again.
I haven't bothered trying to see a band that huge since System of a Down.
before that, of course, is Maryland Deathfest
I still have to get the hotel room for that
trouble is, I've not heard from the kids I'm going with in 2 weeks. . .. . .uh oh. . . .
my best bud and I went to NYC last weekend. . .and went t J&R music world. . to look at headphones. . .and the CD section. . .
and what did I see there?
the Power Up! compilation. . . .yeah. . .that's right. . .the one with my band on it.

my day was made
going to st. marks and seeing tail everywhere couldn't bring me down
(though, it could make me come up with creepy freestyles all night as if I was drunk. . .I wasn't though. . )
I've been thinking again. . .so that means I'm about to say something bad.
I've figured out some more of my problem.
My whole "liking alt girls" problem
other than the comic books and anime full of crazy hair colors. . .etc.
I'll tell ya what else did it.
Middle school.
namely, middle school girls
when all the little black girls made fun of me for not being the Spawn of LL Cool J, bullied me, caledl me urkel and tried to steal stuff from me as a method of "flirting"
who befriended me? who was nice to me?
the "grunge" chicks
. . .and why not
they were into comic books, video games and Nirvana (well okay, I wasn't really into Nirvana until high school. . . much later). . no, really, they were,
I used to trade those Marvel cards with them.
I of course ended up with a crush on one of them, which did not work out, and then in high school she caused the prom incident to happen.
. . .to this day, I think I should've gone after the other one.

in other news, I finally saw Clockwork Orange tonight.
fucking excellent movie.
what they did to Alex is kinda like what's been done to straight males everywhere.
I'll leave it at that
good night
but i know i need to see system of a down as soon as i get a chance..
oh, grunge chicks. how i loved them and how they walked away from me..
i should hate em, but i cant.
i'd love to see system of a down someday. you know, before they start sucking.