I got a filling on Wednesday
they had to give me the needle
I asked for the gas first
they said "yes"
now, I've had to get fillings before
i've been on the laughing gas before
everyone once in a while you'd feel something
(these were minor. . so. .gas, no needle)
I felt NOTHING AT ALL this time.
and also, for some reason I felt more alert than last time
and I remember pretty much everything about it
basically, I heard the same 10 minutes of sound and conversation and lite radio, over and over and over and over again
I kept thinking "wait. . .you said that already. . . .and that. . . .."
"crazy" sound EXTRA weird. .
"crazy" by Gnarls Barkley
I think I kept hearing the chorus of that over and over again.
(I'm gonna see if they'll let me listen to my Zune next time. .. .my freind said they let him do that. . . ..although. . .I certainly hope listening to Godflesh on nitrous while getting drilled isn't as scary)
also, once they turn the gas off, it wears off in a half hour, and you can pretty much drive home
I didn't think that'd happen
wisdom teeth suck
did I mention I had 4 wisdom teeth pulled out during the time I wasn't here?
I can't keep track of who I told that story
I dont want to be with SG anymore purely out of frustration. I submitted to start a new group that was declined aparently cuz SG didnt think it was appropiate for this site. It was a group that would have let everyone voice their own opinions without the threat of being kicked out. (wonder what provoked this thought). ANyways, i guess during their determination of whether or not to let me have this group they read through my profile and decided to take it upon themselves to edit what i wrote. I dont want to be a part of anything that denies me the right of my freedom of speech. I was a fuckin solider damnit. I earned my right to say whatever the fuck i want without editing. SO FUCK THIS SITE! Im over it. YOu are definitly one of my favorites. I respected everything you have said. DOnt let this damn site take that freedom from you. Until next time