I am off all this week, b/c my band was going to go on tour but we had booking problems and had to stay home. I felt my job did not need to know I was still in town. I am just going to take it easy and do some stuff around the house, and blue print some plans for the new year.
Work on new art projects for shows
Write new songs for bands
Work on a web site of my work
maybe take a trip
Weekend tours with bands.
I hope to try and finish alot of things while I take a semseter off from school. I have 8 months to do so. I need to get up and go.
Work on new art projects for shows
Write new songs for bands
Work on a web site of my work
maybe take a trip
Weekend tours with bands.
I hope to try and finish alot of things while I take a semseter off from school. I have 8 months to do so. I need to get up and go.