As I sit here waiting for my movie to finish downloading...I figure I might be able to come up with a few entertaining thoughts. So here we go. Maybe. Fuck. Brain work. ENTERTAIN DAMN YOU ENTERTAIN!
-Romeo + Juliet. Love it. If you don't love it. Die.
-This movie brings me back to my teenage years. Although now it is a tossup between Neverending Story and this as being my favorite movie.
-It has been agreed with my best friend that if/when I win the lottery, he will become my bitch. Like not sexual or anything, more as in he's going to be my secretary and stuff. Good times.
-My dream is to open up a coffee shop. Is this a silly dream? I mean, don't get me wrong, I'd like to be rich and all that stuff...but seriously. Being able to sit in a coffee shop all day, meet interesting people, and just sit back and enjoy life. This is my American Dream.
This isn't very entertaining. Let me think of funny shit. Sec...
-We hired a girl at my work today. I think I am going to need to slap my coworkers around before my store gets hit with a sexual harassment suit. Apparently cute video gamer girls are a hot commodity.
-I rather feel like running around in the rain tonight, but I am afraid my neighbors will call the cops. Granted due to the fact that I feel like doing it while completely naked.
-Calvin and Hobbes. Best comic strip ev0r.
-I'm thinking of robbing a bank, or maybe a party store. Would be quite easy imo. If arrested, I could just say "It wasn't me was some other asian guy, you know, we all look alike."
-I had a 40 year old woman tell me how cute I was. Thanks. I think?
-My friend gave me a great reason on why not to drink. Apparently he woke up inside a 50+ year old woman, and he couldn't remember how he got there. Thx I'll pass on that.
-I can't wait to move out with my friend. I pay to much rent where I'm at, and I do believe it's starting to hold me back a bit. On the plus side, atleast I have a home right?
-I had a dream last night my computer fell on top of my while I was sleeping. When I woke up I was tangled in my mouse. Coincidence? I think not.
-I gave up pop and McDonalds. So far so good, just one slip up on the pop. Sadly, the Iced Tea i had replaced it with is apparently just as bad for me as pop. Great.
-In an effort to save money, I started buying only cigarettes that were buy one get one free when I see them. It works great except for the fact I now have about 12 packs of cigarettes.
-I know the most beautiful girl in the world. Neener neener neener.
-My work is dicking me around I think. They keep dangling this "promotion" thing in front of me, like a carrot on a stick. Sadly, I am falling for it. 2-3 dollars more an hour will do that to you.
-I need to find some Government funding to make my coffee shop dream a reality.
-My movie is done downloading. Thank you for occupying my time.
p.s. expect pictures of KMatt Hiro Nakamura in the near future. I still need to find a tacky sweater though.
-Romeo + Juliet. Love it. If you don't love it. Die.
-This movie brings me back to my teenage years. Although now it is a tossup between Neverending Story and this as being my favorite movie.
-It has been agreed with my best friend that if/when I win the lottery, he will become my bitch. Like not sexual or anything, more as in he's going to be my secretary and stuff. Good times.
-My dream is to open up a coffee shop. Is this a silly dream? I mean, don't get me wrong, I'd like to be rich and all that stuff...but seriously. Being able to sit in a coffee shop all day, meet interesting people, and just sit back and enjoy life. This is my American Dream.
This isn't very entertaining. Let me think of funny shit. Sec...
-We hired a girl at my work today. I think I am going to need to slap my coworkers around before my store gets hit with a sexual harassment suit. Apparently cute video gamer girls are a hot commodity.
-I rather feel like running around in the rain tonight, but I am afraid my neighbors will call the cops. Granted due to the fact that I feel like doing it while completely naked.
-Calvin and Hobbes. Best comic strip ev0r.
-I'm thinking of robbing a bank, or maybe a party store. Would be quite easy imo. If arrested, I could just say "It wasn't me was some other asian guy, you know, we all look alike."
-I had a 40 year old woman tell me how cute I was. Thanks. I think?
-My friend gave me a great reason on why not to drink. Apparently he woke up inside a 50+ year old woman, and he couldn't remember how he got there. Thx I'll pass on that.
-I can't wait to move out with my friend. I pay to much rent where I'm at, and I do believe it's starting to hold me back a bit. On the plus side, atleast I have a home right?
-I had a dream last night my computer fell on top of my while I was sleeping. When I woke up I was tangled in my mouse. Coincidence? I think not.
-I gave up pop and McDonalds. So far so good, just one slip up on the pop. Sadly, the Iced Tea i had replaced it with is apparently just as bad for me as pop. Great.
-In an effort to save money, I started buying only cigarettes that were buy one get one free when I see them. It works great except for the fact I now have about 12 packs of cigarettes.
-I know the most beautiful girl in the world. Neener neener neener.
-My work is dicking me around I think. They keep dangling this "promotion" thing in front of me, like a carrot on a stick. Sadly, I am falling for it. 2-3 dollars more an hour will do that to you.
-I need to find some Government funding to make my coffee shop dream a reality.
-My movie is done downloading. Thank you for occupying my time.
p.s. expect pictures of KMatt Hiro Nakamura in the near future. I still need to find a tacky sweater though.
I think many queenslanders would pick cold and rainy over our hot summer days. But it has cooled down this afternoon which is good but no storm.
feetie pajamas!! i used to have some when i was litle.