All right new blog time. I know you all just wait breathlessly in the shadows, hoping and praying for this moment! Well congratulations, all that time waiting was worth it, because here it is!
Damn...after that intro I don't feel like writing any more. Hmmm
- Got fired from 2 of my jobs this week for not going in. Oddly enough they hired me back on Tuesday. Suckers.
- It was my friends birthday today. He's gay. What did he do for his birthday? Went to a strip club. A straight strip club. Freak.
- I pre-ordered Burning Crusade today. If you don't know what that is, you probably have a life.
- So here is how my sleep schedule goes...stay up for 2-3 days, sleep for 12 hours, rinse, repeat. I need perscription drugs or something to regulate myself. Or some illegal ones to atleast enjoy myself more while I am awake.
- I can't wait for Christmas this year. Oh wait yes I can. Atleast the past Christmases I had enough money to sit in my room for 3 days and get trashed. I'm to broke this year. Plz send donations!
- Ritz crackers in bed are a bad idea. I can't help it though, buttery goodness.
- My boss wants me to go to Easter Seals and try to get some counseling. Hrmph, there is nothing wrong with me. Staying up til 5am is perfectly normal. Sheesh.
- I was going to quit smoking yesterday, but apparently the higher powers did not deign it to be the right time, since Camel sent me coupons for $4.00 of smokes.
- Went to the mall yesterday with some friends, and they all drove the train in the center court completely plastered and during mall hours. Funniest shit ever. It's good to have power, even if it is just at a mall.
Okay real quick cuz I'm bored, back when I was homeless, it was quite funny. Atleast 5 different times I had older men in BMW's and Cadillacs pull up next to me and ask me if I needed a ride anywhere. GG Dirty Old Men.
Sorry, kinda lame, but kind of funny. Bai!
Damn...after that intro I don't feel like writing any more. Hmmm
- Got fired from 2 of my jobs this week for not going in. Oddly enough they hired me back on Tuesday. Suckers.
- It was my friends birthday today. He's gay. What did he do for his birthday? Went to a strip club. A straight strip club. Freak.
- I pre-ordered Burning Crusade today. If you don't know what that is, you probably have a life.
- So here is how my sleep schedule goes...stay up for 2-3 days, sleep for 12 hours, rinse, repeat. I need perscription drugs or something to regulate myself. Or some illegal ones to atleast enjoy myself more while I am awake.
- I can't wait for Christmas this year. Oh wait yes I can. Atleast the past Christmases I had enough money to sit in my room for 3 days and get trashed. I'm to broke this year. Plz send donations!
- Ritz crackers in bed are a bad idea. I can't help it though, buttery goodness.
- My boss wants me to go to Easter Seals and try to get some counseling. Hrmph, there is nothing wrong with me. Staying up til 5am is perfectly normal. Sheesh.
- I was going to quit smoking yesterday, but apparently the higher powers did not deign it to be the right time, since Camel sent me coupons for $4.00 of smokes.
- Went to the mall yesterday with some friends, and they all drove the train in the center court completely plastered and during mall hours. Funniest shit ever. It's good to have power, even if it is just at a mall.
Okay real quick cuz I'm bored, back when I was homeless, it was quite funny. Atleast 5 different times I had older men in BMW's and Cadillacs pull up next to me and ask me if I needed a ride anywhere. GG Dirty Old Men.
Sorry, kinda lame, but kind of funny. Bai!
how are you? i want to come visit your bakery.

You don't blog.