Saturday night! Another action filled night of...watching cartoons and playing video games with my friends. Atleast a high point was watching my best friends 17 year old little brother make a complete ass out of himself making some stupid side comments about a cute girl who just happened to not be out of earshot. I would have paid good money to see her slap the living crap out of him, maybe knock some sense into the boy.
More Blogs
Wednesday Aug 22, 2012
Fate. What is it that decides it? Are things predetermined, or … -
Wednesday Aug 22, 2012
Life was never meant to be lived alone. Why else would we have been … -
Tuesday Aug 21, 2012
I'm actually very glad I rejoined this site. I've realized I don't h… -
Monday Aug 20, 2012
After probably 4 years, I've decided to come back...Only to find ever… -
Wednesday Jan 05, 2011
Wow. Someone reactivated my account for me. 4 months ago. I suppos… -
Wednesday Jan 30, 2008
I'm like a magician, I can make myself disappear. -
Tuesday Dec 25, 2007
Happy Christmas. I'm going back to bed. -
Friday Dec 21, 2007
I'm sick. *cough cough* In the head too. -
Thursday Dec 13, 2007
I haven't cried in 10 years. No srsly, it sux. -
Sunday Dec 02, 2007
I'm flying. Wheee. That is all.