as much as i try to be the best person,
i am who i am.
i am lame, i am done.
its all been done, its all played out.
everything is old, and ugly.
there is very little hope, i assure you.
do all ugly ppl have this hard of a time admitting it?
do all lame ppl have this hard of a time gettin over the denial?
i am who i am.
i am lame, i am done.
its all been done, its all played out.
everything is old, and ugly.
there is very little hope, i assure you.
do all ugly ppl have this hard of a time admitting it?
do all lame ppl have this hard of a time gettin over the denial?
its okay, i am not a sorts fan of any kind at all.... it was always on my friends tv so i would just drinka nd watch it. drinking made it easier to sit and watch. i never watch that shit.
now it just gives me more of a reason to drink. so i do, at her place.
don't tell no one hahahaha.