ahh, the ringing of cell phones, 18 year olds in luxury automobiles and breakdancing in the quad; the sights and sounds of community college. school is back and besides the detest i feel for most of my schoolmates i'm quite pleased.
life's been okay as of late, a little bland but not too bad. lately i've been thinking about the past a lot, playing the... Read More
i swear man, this same thing happened last year around this time. now the shit has really hit the fan..i did have one good thing happen to me today...i'm getting a job under the table. anyways...i'm serious man, just email me or message me, i'm always up to talking to people. *sigh* how i'll miss your smartass comments.
got my grades back from fall semester, it took fucking forever but they're here 2 A's 2 B's so i'm pretty happy. lookin forward to next semester which starts in a week, i like book learnin you know, gettin all edumacated and junk
did the fri. youth group thing with billy ben for the first time in a while. i've learned a thick skin is... Read More
nothing makes you feel more alive then screaming butt plug at the top of your lungs....uh, well anyway new years went well. not to sound sappy, but hanging out with friends and just talking about random bullshit and not feeling any pressure to act a certain way is indeed one of the finer things in life.
i definitely have some goals for this new year,... Read More
thank the gods, it is finally over. another christmas has come and gone, and i'm left bruised, battered, and thoroughly violated. actually, this holiday season wasn't too bad. i spent christmas eve afternoon with the parents and recieved one of the worst gifts i have ever gotten; a beard trimmer now don't get me wrong if this were given to say abraham lincoln i could... Read More
praise be to allah! thanfully this semester is over and now lazyness can envelop me in her warm embrace. sorry for being a bad sg friend as of late, what with the complete absence and all, but eating dorritos and masterbating is a job that won't get done without dedication
i found out someone has been logging on to the internet using my screen name... Read More