hola sg land. it's been a while, but i've been here...watching, waiting, breathing heavily.....
*life's been okay, but very busy. work and school make steven go crazy. work and school make steven go crazy. work and school make stevn go crazy.
my leisure time is few and far between nowadays.
*been seeing a new girl and everything seems to be going smoothly. she's latina, so part of me is hoping things work out so i'll be able to call her picante pants. there's nothing more romantic then degrading ethnic humour i feel.
*i'm about half way from my set amount for buying a car
another month and i'll be cruising the town in the finest of used 80's automobiles.
* life with roomates is starting to grind on me, like, their little habits are getting irratating, ala playing 80's butt rock full blast, leaving the toilet unflushed with brown submarines making their rounds, knocking at my door during innappropriate times.......it's enough to drive me to urinating in their milk it is.
*okay i'm gonna go drink some grape juice and play video games. hope everyone's well, god bless and praise be to allah and whatnot.
*life's been okay, but very busy. work and school make steven go crazy. work and school make steven go crazy. work and school make stevn go crazy.

*been seeing a new girl and everything seems to be going smoothly. she's latina, so part of me is hoping things work out so i'll be able to call her picante pants. there's nothing more romantic then degrading ethnic humour i feel.
*i'm about half way from my set amount for buying a car

* life with roomates is starting to grind on me, like, their little habits are getting irratating, ala playing 80's butt rock full blast, leaving the toilet unflushed with brown submarines making their rounds, knocking at my door during innappropriate times.......it's enough to drive me to urinating in their milk it is.
*okay i'm gonna go drink some grape juice and play video games. hope everyone's well, god bless and praise be to allah and whatnot.
are you still alive? i guess it's ok if you're not... it'd be kinda cool in a morbid way to have dead people on my friends list... only if you're a zombie though. brains are yummy. i'm assuming. i wouldnt know, since i've never actually eaten a brain before.
you still alive? *poke*