wish i was here.....
with her...
and with one of these....

with her...

and with one of these....

Billy Ben-3......Sam (Drexel)-0
Homeboy definately hasn't grown any balls since our last encounter. I showed up and he was talking down to Daniel and I was just like, "no more talk, get your shit and get the fuck out." and on the spot he made two phone calls and started moving his shit. Bitch wouldn't even make eye contact. Oh I told them too that if their shit wasn't moved in 30min it was getting donated to the Mexicans. I don't think Sam or his bitch even said a word to me, Daniel or Maxine in my presence, it was like talkin to a puppy. He was thinking though, he called the cops to come keep an eye on him while he moved his shit. But yeah, it felt good. He had to move his shit down stairs too.