* i am now gainfully employed by the wonderful corporation that is macy's. so if you need a deal on a blender or casual slacks i'm your man.
*i'm working on an idea for my next tattoo. i want it to have a pulp comic/ ala sin city type vibe. so any image/ideas would be helpful. i'm willing to reward fresh ideas with cold hard mexican pesos, si?
*i hate being single, i know you're supposed to be content with yourself, but fuck it. i need that special girl, one who'll run her fingers through my hair, whisper in my ear and take a dump on my chest.
*summer school starts in a week and a few. i actually miss academia a fact that showcases my extreme nerdness.
* and finally cause i think it is hilarious a repeat preformance
*i'm working on an idea for my next tattoo. i want it to have a pulp comic/ ala sin city type vibe. so any image/ideas would be helpful. i'm willing to reward fresh ideas with cold hard mexican pesos, si?
*i hate being single, i know you're supposed to be content with yourself, but fuck it. i need that special girl, one who'll run her fingers through my hair, whisper in my ear and take a dump on my chest.

*summer school starts in a week and a few. i actually miss academia a fact that showcases my extreme nerdness.
* and finally cause i think it is hilarious a repeat preformance

hey, wheres the update man?
Whatever.....you're str8 jaundas!