so is that a graboid in your pants or are you just happy to see me?
so far today is dreary and dull. guess i'll get to some much needed cleaning, my cat's litter box resembles the great pyramids
maybe finish up some homework as well. met with my school counciler a few weeks ago to discuss my plan of attack. we sychronized our watches and came to the realization i should be done with the greatness of community college next spring, then hopefully i'm off to sfsu. to study and efficiently eliminate hippies; one by stinkin one
add on to my ear necklace.
last weeks youth group billyben and i ran went a little rocky, because of one zany kid in particular. i seriously don't know how i'm going to be a good teacher when i fantasize about strangling some kids with piano wire.......real quiet like. shhhhhhhhh!
hopefully next month i'm going to go see mindless self indulgence, if not i'll do something just as fun, like seeing how far my spit will go towards the ground before i suck it up. good times. oh, and my good deed for the day is to spread the good word; amittyville horror sucks a blood blisterd cock. beware!
hope all is well in sg land

so far today is dreary and dull. guess i'll get to some much needed cleaning, my cat's litter box resembles the great pyramids

last weeks youth group billyben and i ran went a little rocky, because of one zany kid in particular. i seriously don't know how i'm going to be a good teacher when i fantasize about strangling some kids with piano wire.......real quiet like. shhhhhhhhh!
hopefully next month i'm going to go see mindless self indulgence, if not i'll do something just as fun, like seeing how far my spit will go towards the ground before i suck it up. good times. oh, and my good deed for the day is to spread the good word; amittyville horror sucks a blood blisterd cock. beware!
hope all is well in sg land

Just so ya' know, I'm buyin' my tix now.
Also thaught you should know, NOFX is sold out but you can take comfort in knowing me and my fellow juggalos will be attending the Kottonmouth Kings next month.