got my grades back from fall semester, it took fucking forever but they're here 2 A's 2 B's so i'm pretty happy. lookin forward to next semester which starts in a week, i like book learnin you know, gettin all edumacated and junk
did the fri. youth group thing with billy ben for the first time in a while. i've learned a thick skin is an absolute must if you are going to be around kids. so far i've been told i laugh like a coyote, my hair cut is gay and that i look like scotty from euro's like walkin into a room full of mini rodney dangerfields
and it sucks cause you can't insult them back, you gotta be all "mature" and whatnot
i fucked up my shoulder working out the other day and now it hurts to even lift a milk carton to chest level, hopefully it gets better soon or i can kiss my NBA career goodbye
hope all is well
chugger feeling the need to update even when there's nothing going on since 81'

did the fri. youth group thing with billy ben for the first time in a while. i've learned a thick skin is an absolute must if you are going to be around kids. so far i've been told i laugh like a coyote, my hair cut is gay and that i look like scotty from euro's like walkin into a room full of mini rodney dangerfields

i fucked up my shoulder working out the other day and now it hurts to even lift a milk carton to chest level, hopefully it gets better soon or i can kiss my NBA career goodbye

hope all is well

and you know, i'll still be your friend even if you arent an nba star.
[Edited on Jan 18, 2005 8:09PM]