BWAHAHAHA!!!! got a B on my pysch test. this pleases me cause i did virtually no studying, cause i was sick and all,so i just used the old "bullshit and common sense method", I CAN BEAT ANY SYSTEM!!!!
major ear bleeding quality drama here on the home front, i seriously need to move, i have one lead so far, we'll see if it pans out.
if my horrible case of ebola is gone, i'm gonna chill at billy ben's fortress of solitude this weekend, should be good times
you know that board where you say what famous person the guy above you looks like? i have been compared to seth green, chubby man carson daly and the main dude from office angers me not to have been compared to my ultimate look a diesel..
anywho hope all is well......AND ALWAYS DRIVE TO THE HOLE!!!!!!!!!!!!!

major ear bleeding quality drama here on the home front, i seriously need to move, i have one lead so far, we'll see if it pans out.
if my horrible case of ebola is gone, i'm gonna chill at billy ben's fortress of solitude this weekend, should be good times
you know that board where you say what famous person the guy above you looks like? i have been compared to seth green, chubby man carson daly and the main dude from office angers me not to have been compared to my ultimate look a diesel..

anywho hope all is well......AND ALWAYS DRIVE TO THE HOLE!!!!!!!!!!!!!

LOL! Sweet! I'm not the only one!

Exactly like fight club....but you know rule #1 and #2....