howdy my sg peeps. been awhile. sorry bout being a bad internet pal, life's just been really hectic lately. also, truth be told i was a tad bored with the greatness that is sg, my good pal billy ben left the site and i mean, he was a big reason i joined in the first place. but i've been lurking, watching, touching myself slowly to the events on the site and for the most part still reading my sg pals updates.
life for me has been okay; still working part time at the yuppy hell hole that is macys, still doing the youth group for all those dark disterbed teens, school is going by quickly and i'm almost ready to transfer, so that's swell.
my love life is kinda iffy as of now, i find myself becoming, i dunno, bored i guess with my current gf. that might sound aweful, but it kinda feels like i'm settling...who knows? so yeah, that's a brief outline of my sands through the hourglass.
so how have you been? and by "you" i mean the few who have kept me on their friendslist and still remember me, what's new?
life for me has been okay; still working part time at the yuppy hell hole that is macys, still doing the youth group for all those dark disterbed teens, school is going by quickly and i'm almost ready to transfer, so that's swell.
my love life is kinda iffy as of now, i find myself becoming, i dunno, bored i guess with my current gf. that might sound aweful, but it kinda feels like i'm settling...who knows? so yeah, that's a brief outline of my sands through the hourglass.
so how have you been? and by "you" i mean the few who have kept me on their friendslist and still remember me, what's new?

New jobs work wonders, I tell ya.
Sounds like you're going through what I just went through. But you'll pull out of it, everything gets boring sometimes...
missed you!