...it's that season again and i have some serious driving to do soon.
3 days until i hit the road at 6:30am and drive for an hour and a half to the only mechanics i trust.

15 days since i saw Mike Dillon's Go-Go Jungle.
13 days until i see Mike D again, this time playing with Les Claypool. Equally excited to see Secret Chiefs...
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yeah so i'm back on SG.
someone reactivated my account, or maybe it was some promotional move, i don't know.
lots of things have changed since i was last here. moved to a tiny town in the middle of nowhere to go back to school. playing congas in a jazz band--the only jazz band in town...and that pretty much covers all areas of my life....
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seemed to happen to a lot of people so i am guessing it is a promotional move. tongue welcome back sir. i won't make fun of your age. cane beatings scare me.
"self glorifying, self gratifying, trendy, superficial horseshit."
i'm done here.
the money ends in november.
what i write or have written-> this spot.
what i do-> go here
i am alert and asleep
to be third and first person
the eye and the sky
i am the camera and the star
the atheist god
i am the valley and the peak
a story with no beginning
a tale with no end
the mirror and the mask
the rain and the flame
with the impossible name
the player and the game
the heaven above,...
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Thanks! I'm glad you liked it ^_^
The latest link in my chain of frighteningly insane women.

so i rolled into olathe around 5pm the other day to stop by mulligan's and say hi, buy some tobacco at the shop next door and then go down to P.Ott's and say hi there too. i was in town to work the short lunch shift today, helping out while the owner was in Vegas...
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Hm. I don't think this is fini

wow, after I posted this I was able to see the rest. I even 'expanded' it before. Oh well.
It's really sad how this woman is making a choice to be drinking even though I'm sure she's aware how crazy she gets from it. Sounds like she's bipolar on a manic fit and the alcohol only intensified disillusions. She's pretty damn lucky that she picked your poor soul out of everyone else, even though that is so consolation on your part. Sorry about your car. frown For some reason, I'm taking this is a sign about Olathe. You go back for a moment and you meet the looniest lady out there. Maybe it's not. Who knows? Glad the other parts of your evening worked out well.
As for you getting in trouble, I'm more than positive that the ambulance drivers figured out her mental state immediately. Plus, there is no evidence to prove you did anything to harm her. Why do crazy people like you so much? Keep it unlisted, man. Stay on the D-L.
no music day 6.
its weird moving to a new town. Don't know any people, haven't done anything yet except go shopping with mom at the local wal mart and price chopper. The stores remind me of the stores in the southern missouri towns where my parents grew up and i've visited all my life - limited selection and odd brands. Sometimes while i'm sitting...
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i moved.
and all the crap that comes along with that.
some fun december facts:
on december 22nd, the winter solstice, the sun stops its seasonal southern migration, reaches it's lowest point and then stays there for three days. directly in the vicinity of this is the constellation 'the crux' also known as the 'southern cross'. on the 24th, Sirius, in the east, lines up with the three brightest stars in Orion's belt. they form a...
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