bit torrent rocks. if you have no idea what that is, look into it - just downloaded two tom waits concerts from the late 70s plus a faun fables show from last month, just a couple weeks after i went to chicago to see them...
four more days....saturday june 11 -
sleepytime gorilla museum at the hurricane
cant wait - gonna record audio, my stepbrother's gonna get video then we will merge the two.
wow. too much coffee
"coffee - the other black meat"
four more days....saturday june 11 -
sleepytime gorilla museum at the hurricane
cant wait - gonna record audio, my stepbrother's gonna get video then we will merge the two.
wow. too much coffee
"coffee - the other black meat"
I don't really have a problem with people not trusting me. It's more of people thinking that I am can't be mean, or vengeful, or just plain being trampled on because I'm so nice. Then they feel all hurt when I fuck up their world. I'm cool till you fuck with me. Hell I even give you a second chance. That is the problem I run into. Or people not really seeing me for me and taking my issues seriously until I have a breakdown or something. Just because I try to be a happy good natured person doesn't mean that I don't have problems too.
I dug Beth a lot.
gonna go back to the tiny kitchen of Mulligan's and rule it. again.
maybe add some stuff to the menu.
been walking through a cloud all day, perhaps its carbon monoxide trapped in a bubble around my head. just can't wake up. hazy and stoned feeling, but not fun.
can't wait to start living again.