Dreamt last night that i was in the shopping district of some random cityscape...i put down a red blanket and took a nap in the parking lot in front of a strip mall, crying, thinking how only i and my father are the only people i knew who would think nothing strange of doing this (this thought has no factual relavence in waking life) we didn't need comfort to sleep... then sarah, a girl i went to high school with, came along and we got in a car and drove around for a moment. just around the block, but when we got back to where we started, i couldn't find my car. i was so frustrated. we kept driving around, "keep an eye out!" i kept saying... it wasn't where i thought i had left it. i tried so hard to retrace my steps, but i couldn't put it together. there were a couple of cars that resembled mine, but weren't. then it was dark out, and i had resigned to the sidewalk. all the landscape was completely covered with round orange reflectors...
i don't even know where to begin with translating this one.
i don't even know where to begin with translating this one.
its exactly whats going on in my life. i miss my life. i feel like if i keep doing what i'm doing, i will miss my life. i don't want to do this anymore and i'm in the middle of changing paths and its not fun. but like everything, this is temporary. this too shall pass.