where was i?
oh right...it's dead week again; the deepest abyss of collegiate hell for unmotivated procrastinators.
thursday says all those projects i put off are due. i made a pie graph, bar graph and pictograph, but i still need to make a brochure for parents of students promoting a project that i, as a teacher, may be assigning, finish a take-home quiz, design a website for the final project, and make an educational comic books. i hate comic books, never liked em, even as a kid. also due thursday is a seven-ish page essay on the history of an English word, from its roots, through its evolution through the ages, and its inclusion into modern English. i chose the word 'pencil.' very interesting indeed.
i have until next week to draw up a unit plan--10 days of lesson plans over a subject of my choice, complete with all activities, quizzes, tests, assessments, and a rubric. i was going to do The Tempest for a junior high school class, but Jill(who uses glottal stops instead of enunciating her central-word Ts when she speaks) gave her unit plan presentation today in class over what else? The Tempest. i could still use it, but now i'm thinking about doing either Pericles or Cymbeline. i want to do Shakespeare for some reason. perhaps it's a subconscious need to redeem myself; to prove to whomever that i didn't deserve that D last semester.
at least i've been passing my Econ tests and doing the extra credit assignments.
i claim to hate working scared, but i force myself into it every semester, but this time the fear is greater than pass or fail--if i don't get all this done and fail any of these classes, i won't be passing 12 hours this semester and be in danger of losing my financial aid.
and then what, trade my stuff for a rowboat?
in other news, the only incorporated chef in town reports that he's frustrated, sick of his kitchen being full of idiots and that he wants me in his kitchen immediately. apparently, all i have to do is show up in the early afternoon. i may become employed tomorrow if the route is passable.
here's me with the weather: suddenly it's cold as the ninth circle outside, icy and snowing, but the big howling blizzard passed to the north as usual. the weathermen were juked, the school won't be closing, there wont' be any extra days, the sun will rise in a matter of hours, and i predict with near certainty that the year will end on the 31st.
and now sports news:
in baseball, although i'm renowned as a great glove man up the middle, i'm not too shabby on offense either; i get a lot of batting practice in during the off-season. when the game is on, though, i swing for the fence. lots of home runs, lots of triples, but at the same time, i've been known to bunt, i hit a lot of sacrifice flies and i'm a slow base runner; been sitting on third base for a week now, sometimes pondering but never really confused as to why i don't really care if i make it home or not.
oh right...it's dead week again; the deepest abyss of collegiate hell for unmotivated procrastinators.
thursday says all those projects i put off are due. i made a pie graph, bar graph and pictograph, but i still need to make a brochure for parents of students promoting a project that i, as a teacher, may be assigning, finish a take-home quiz, design a website for the final project, and make an educational comic books. i hate comic books, never liked em, even as a kid. also due thursday is a seven-ish page essay on the history of an English word, from its roots, through its evolution through the ages, and its inclusion into modern English. i chose the word 'pencil.' very interesting indeed.
i have until next week to draw up a unit plan--10 days of lesson plans over a subject of my choice, complete with all activities, quizzes, tests, assessments, and a rubric. i was going to do The Tempest for a junior high school class, but Jill(who uses glottal stops instead of enunciating her central-word Ts when she speaks) gave her unit plan presentation today in class over what else? The Tempest. i could still use it, but now i'm thinking about doing either Pericles or Cymbeline. i want to do Shakespeare for some reason. perhaps it's a subconscious need to redeem myself; to prove to whomever that i didn't deserve that D last semester.
at least i've been passing my Econ tests and doing the extra credit assignments.
i claim to hate working scared, but i force myself into it every semester, but this time the fear is greater than pass or fail--if i don't get all this done and fail any of these classes, i won't be passing 12 hours this semester and be in danger of losing my financial aid.
and then what, trade my stuff for a rowboat?
in other news, the only incorporated chef in town reports that he's frustrated, sick of his kitchen being full of idiots and that he wants me in his kitchen immediately. apparently, all i have to do is show up in the early afternoon. i may become employed tomorrow if the route is passable.
here's me with the weather: suddenly it's cold as the ninth circle outside, icy and snowing, but the big howling blizzard passed to the north as usual. the weathermen were juked, the school won't be closing, there wont' be any extra days, the sun will rise in a matter of hours, and i predict with near certainty that the year will end on the 31st.
and now sports news:
in baseball, although i'm renowned as a great glove man up the middle, i'm not too shabby on offense either; i get a lot of batting practice in during the off-season. when the game is on, though, i swing for the fence. lots of home runs, lots of triples, but at the same time, i've been known to bunt, i hit a lot of sacrifice flies and i'm a slow base runner; been sitting on third base for a week now, sometimes pondering but never really confused as to why i don't really care if i make it home or not.