life is like being locked in a room with nothing but a toilet, a bed and a TV.
there is only one channel on the TV, there is only one show and it's a never-ending improvisational ad-lib with a lot of bullshit, horseshit and chickenshit in between the good parts.
being that yr the producer, i suggest trying to hire only the finest actors--some of them have lifetime contracts...keep in mind yr also the star, the cameraman and the audience.
today is the annual award ceremony for my show.
mine is a musical called "Life: An Odyssey in Interpretive Dance"
the solstice is a week away,
the new season starts on the first day of school--wednesday.
in the off chance that everything goes as planned,
at this time next year, i'll be staring down the barrel of my final semester.
was a pretty good summer.
didn't get any real traveling in, but there's always a next time.
on with the ceremony:
I'd like to thank everyone for making it a success, and to this season's standouts, you all played an inevitably integral role:
a big thanks to Brad and Emilee for bringing the new baby to the big show, to Zoe for being the new baby. To the Phipps family, Tony and Mrs. Hanson for causing reunions that brought both nostalgia, a certain happiness and contemplation of aging and death, and to Rob and Elrod for always bringing loads of laughs, inspiration and good times. I'd like to thank pot for being there--it was fun having you around, maybe i'll see ya next break. To Miel, whose character won't be returning next season, for playing the tragic and misunderstood love interest and supplying most of the sex. To Tamalam for bringing the drama and otherwise stupid bullshit in a big way--you really went and continue to go above and beyond yr call of duty. A special shout out goes to Pearl for her continuously exceptional performance of playing my least favorite person.
To the new and recurring minor and subplot characters: Marge, Chelse, Annabel, Maryann, Stace, my boy B and the o'crappy crew, all of whom played the lead role in at least one episode.
And to the cast and crew, either seasonal or otherwise that have either been demoted to extra status or will not be returning for next season: goodbye Aubrey, goodbye Miel, goodbye Tony, goodbye Mellita, and goodbye to whomever i've not mentioned; you may or may not know who you are.
Most of all, I'd like to thank myself.
Lastly and leastwise, I have to recognize the denizens of I'm-Poor-Hee-Haw! for playing along and allowing me to stage my show in their ersatz town for the last few seasons and for the next several.
Stay tuned for new and hopefully interesting characters and situations next season!
In the meantime, we'll be closed for cleaning and maintenance while running remastered, colorized classic episodes on the Dream Channel.
Thanks again, blessed be, a salaam alaikum, namaste, and best of days to you!
--the Church of Fuggit staff
there is only one channel on the TV, there is only one show and it's a never-ending improvisational ad-lib with a lot of bullshit, horseshit and chickenshit in between the good parts.
being that yr the producer, i suggest trying to hire only the finest actors--some of them have lifetime contracts...keep in mind yr also the star, the cameraman and the audience.
today is the annual award ceremony for my show.
mine is a musical called "Life: An Odyssey in Interpretive Dance"
the solstice is a week away,
the new season starts on the first day of school--wednesday.
in the off chance that everything goes as planned,
at this time next year, i'll be staring down the barrel of my final semester.
was a pretty good summer.
didn't get any real traveling in, but there's always a next time.
on with the ceremony:
I'd like to thank everyone for making it a success, and to this season's standouts, you all played an inevitably integral role:
a big thanks to Brad and Emilee for bringing the new baby to the big show, to Zoe for being the new baby. To the Phipps family, Tony and Mrs. Hanson for causing reunions that brought both nostalgia, a certain happiness and contemplation of aging and death, and to Rob and Elrod for always bringing loads of laughs, inspiration and good times. I'd like to thank pot for being there--it was fun having you around, maybe i'll see ya next break. To Miel, whose character won't be returning next season, for playing the tragic and misunderstood love interest and supplying most of the sex. To Tamalam for bringing the drama and otherwise stupid bullshit in a big way--you really went and continue to go above and beyond yr call of duty. A special shout out goes to Pearl for her continuously exceptional performance of playing my least favorite person.
To the new and recurring minor and subplot characters: Marge, Chelse, Annabel, Maryann, Stace, my boy B and the o'crappy crew, all of whom played the lead role in at least one episode.
And to the cast and crew, either seasonal or otherwise that have either been demoted to extra status or will not be returning for next season: goodbye Aubrey, goodbye Miel, goodbye Tony, goodbye Mellita, and goodbye to whomever i've not mentioned; you may or may not know who you are.
Most of all, I'd like to thank myself.
Lastly and leastwise, I have to recognize the denizens of I'm-Poor-Hee-Haw! for playing along and allowing me to stage my show in their ersatz town for the last few seasons and for the next several.
Stay tuned for new and hopefully interesting characters and situations next season!
In the meantime, we'll be closed for cleaning and maintenance while running remastered, colorized classic episodes on the Dream Channel.
Thanks again, blessed be, a salaam alaikum, namaste, and best of days to you!
--the Church of Fuggit staff
i'll be your new and hopfully interesting character, lol! buck-up-lil'-bucka-roo...we always have sg, lol!

thanks kloiterra, lol! we would make a good time! enjoy tuesday. kiss. kmk.