its almost embarrassing to admit just how devastating it is when yr computer crashes.
thankfully, after the Crash of 2004, 28 year old me did the responsible thing and bought the extended warranty on the new machine- saved 30 year old me a bunch of money.
soon, i'll drive to a remote location, surrounding myself with nature and perform the ritualistic smashing of the faulty hard drive, Office Space-style heel-drop and all.
it was more of a hassle than a disaster this time. the infernet box was only in the shop overnight, and i didn't pay a dime, now it's just finding the hard copies of the stuff that vanished.
the only things i can't replace are the vast majority of pictures taken since june 21st and the 70-odd tracks of "Ryan's Answering Machine" - all the crazy and often hilarious messages that people have left on my machine over the last year and a half.
oh well, chingalo.
one more week, and the
lady and i will be together for a few days
maybe i'll get to show her New Orleans in november.
hope so.
things for which to look forward.
thankfully, after the Crash of 2004, 28 year old me did the responsible thing and bought the extended warranty on the new machine- saved 30 year old me a bunch of money.
soon, i'll drive to a remote location, surrounding myself with nature and perform the ritualistic smashing of the faulty hard drive, Office Space-style heel-drop and all.
it was more of a hassle than a disaster this time. the infernet box was only in the shop overnight, and i didn't pay a dime, now it's just finding the hard copies of the stuff that vanished.
the only things i can't replace are the vast majority of pictures taken since june 21st and the 70-odd tracks of "Ryan's Answering Machine" - all the crazy and often hilarious messages that people have left on my machine over the last year and a half.
oh well, chingalo.
one more week, and the

maybe i'll get to show her New Orleans in november.
hope so.
things for which to look forward.
I would love to plan November's trip. What can be better than a trip to New Orleans with you by my side?
I also look forward to next week where I get to be with you live and in the flesh! Oh snap.
Yes, so much to look forward's bliss.