monday: 11, new moon, first snow, interest waning as quickly as hope. this is a good thing; it's painless.
this is the suck, the stagnation. seems like nothing is going on but the same thing that happened yesterday. it's a bleak horizon, like when you discover that yr not really that special and the notion that Jesus loves you isn't very rewarding. it takes effort...
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it was what some would call a tropical paradise, but to the locals, it was all they knew and therefore not all that special; a group of islands, each one small enough for one residence apiece. not all that far off the furthest coasts of the archipelago, William sat in his boat, defeated. he'd read the anonymously written story by the man who had dared...
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love it. happy monday. kiss. kmk.biggrin
as i was walking home from the bar a few nights ago, i noticed a cardboard box in the doorway of one of the shops. a sign taped to the front said "Free! Take One!" the box was crammed full of teddy bears and various stuffed animals. well, what the hell would i need a stuffed animal for? i slowed down for a few steps,...
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today's email to my twin soul:

when i was in amsterdam and i'd quit smoking for nine days,
at first i thought it was pretty easy, then i eventually realized the folly of my thoughts...
over and over, every couple of minutes, even though i didn't feel like i wanted a cigarette, i'd think to myself "alright...i haven't even thought about smoking!"
that thought was...
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hahahaaa...boobs may help, but i had on my wsu t-shirt, paul frank pj bottoms on and converse. i would like to think it was my smile, lol! i hope you had a fabulous halloween. kiss. kmk.
Maybe the last one about shaving:

...but is it really superior?
what makes it so, just because it's the old way?
the more i delve into the zen-like state of taking a 30 minute shave,
the more i think that this is nothing more than a brilliant marketing scheme.
is it really worth the time and effort?
if my suspicions are correct, the shriners are...
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have so much to say,
don't have much to say here.
wish i didnt' think about her so much,
wish i didn't think about her.

in other news, looking at new SG pics
i realize it's been a long time
since i stepped aside the game
and told the truth about what i saw.
i looked and honestly said
what..no one has anything to say??? I have to admit at times I agree.
i don't really remember writing this, but it's all true.
"gross" is the exception by far,
but every so often it's like being slapped in the face with a salmon.
to each their own, but nothing is right for everyone.
strange days.
sometimes i can't make a story, just a bunch of statements...
i told them winter wasn't quite here yet... this happens every year in kansas.
it's hot as fuck, then october comes and it's wearing a cloak of Canadian winds, bringing freezing temperatures and dismal days; the kind of days made for staying in.
October is a trickster in these parts--as soon as...
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i didn't tell her that the last time i saw her, i was very angry; i don't think she even knew i was there. then a couple nights ago, from out of the blue, she asked if it was ok if she stopped by.
she stayed over and it was...nice.
i got to apologize for making her feel the way i did.
we talked about...
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beautiful ending. so very true. kiss. kmk.kiss
Happy Hour
written 1998?
resurfaced 2009, one line added, finished--
ready to finally be recorded.

three days ago i looked around
i saw everything going wrong.
two days ago i thought about all the evil things
i (may) have done.
then yesterday i figured out the secret
of the connection
and then today you came around
and knocked me down
and i said
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"somewhere between eccentric and esoteric," i offered, describing to my mother my latest interests.
"even as a child, you were eccentric, into eccentric things," she agreed.
we were talking about my recent fascination with finding the ultimate pen for me. all i know is that it's a fountain pen, and in the last few weeks, i've acquired two relatively cheap ones, received a vintage one...
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we're all going to die.
all of our friends and family are going to die and leave us feeling sad and alone,
and as cold as it sounds, it's a selfish sadness--we cry because we'll miss them
while we should be laughing and celebrating the fact that these people that we love
have, at least momentarily, escaped the mortal coil,
all the bullshit, pain, suffering,...
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