"i'm not a thinkin' man, but when i do think, i think 'fuck learnin.'" - Gordo 4.3.10

my first two years in high school were Cody's last two. i didn't really know him, but i didn't like him-- I thought he was a cocky, loudmouth asshole. he was sharing an apartment with Brown when i started hanging out there, must have been in '93 or...
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hello there lover! hope life is fabulous for you!
it's really amazing how many people I know are talking about Sleepytime after I heard from your twin soul who heard from you.
I saw the tour dates online. As much as I wanted to go, I'll be working that day. I hope you have fun visiting Chicago.
Sorry about Cody. It was obvious ever since I met him that this was coming.
Hope all is well. Spinal meningitis no longer got me down.
three more classes till spring break and i've been wondering about myself.
apparently, i've finally committed to the alleged reality of my situation.
don't get me wrong--it still feels like it's all a big paper-mache distraction, a dance among facades, but it has completely consumed me and drastically changed the routine.
as an expresser, it has me concerned--i'm not writing or creating intangibles like i...
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we both scoffed at the thought of the valentine's day routine; the cards, the candy, the song-and-dance of romance, as defined by the people who make things that are often wrapped in red foil. Lupita and i went to the bar instead, where i sat and secretly contemplated whether i am romantic. she's not really a girly-girl(her students thought she was a lesbian until she...
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so you're also a raindog uh? hello, holmes!
i keep hearing "i didn't sign up for this" come out of my mouth.
that's a lie.
i was in the stagnant suck when i wished for a big change; it was one of those wishes you make under yr breath without really thinking it through.
i can't help but to think that the same invisible hand that drives consumer economics also guides all movements...
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yeah so maybe i don't want to be a teacher anymore.
it was an epiphany; a realization that floated up and surfaced from the murky depths of the sea of booze, shame and defeat in my stomach. i didn't trust it at first--i sat on the thought for a couple of days before i presented it to the high council and then was a bit...
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continue to enjoy...and do we truly make wrong choices or do we have to much free time? happy 2010 with a kiss. kmk. wink
shit has hit the fan in two unrelated ways, but the stress is the same, as is the person whom to blame.
this is no pity party, i did this, i was the one in charge, in control of letting shit get out of hand.
what it comes down to is no money.
even worse, red numbers...i'd never seen them before.
oh, and...
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a Feasible Fact is that i am Fallible and may, with Fair certainty, Fail.
All my favourite words begin with F. What a coincidence.
where was i?
oh right...it's dead week again; the deepest abyss of collegiate hell for unmotivated procrastinators.
thursday says all those projects i put off are due. i made a pie graph, bar graph and pictograph, but i still need to make a brochure for parents of students promoting a project that i, as a teacher, may be assigning, finish a take-home quiz, design a...
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"man, you should've stayed out last night," James told me, "that EMT was all about you."
the other night, after i quit my job, when i walked into the bar with him, the first thing i saw was a big, fine ass sitting at the bar. as the night progressed, i chatted this lady up a little, offered her a drink and surprised her with...
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...and a very happy gobble gobble day to you!!! kiss. kmk.
i've dreaded going to work for the last couple of months. all i've done is gone in and thought about walking out.
it was easily the dumbest job i've ever had. as the only one there who has ever had any professional experience and/or training, it has been little more than a ridiculous game, figuring out how i can do work that i'm proud of...
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the more i think about it, the angrier i become.
with the pieces of evidence laid out before me, it's beginning to appear that there is a small group out to get me, but what i can't figure out is why. perhaps boredom, maybe just small-town mentality. people apparently need gossip and drama, and selfish, bored, empty little people that don't really care about anyone...
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"The Intern Escort"
(read November 1 blog for some back story)

"well thanks for giving me a ride and a place to sleep," i said as she pulled into the alley behind my house and dropped me off this morning. i hadn't realized the extent of my body odor until i'd put my shirts back on at her house while she was in the bathroom....
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