32 degrees of bliss
so happy right now
it's good to be back in broome
sharing a 4 bed dorm with one other girl who leaves tomorrow which means i get a room to myself for only $30 a night, pretty freakin awesome
my internet works - also awesome
ran into a very good friend from a few years ago who has been travelling. same place same time
meant to be
i was asked to move to other side of the road for these camels
bah humbug
made some friends already
pretty cool
may or may not be intoxicated
it's hard to say
love for the world xx
so happy right now
it's good to be back in broome
sharing a 4 bed dorm with one other girl who leaves tomorrow which means i get a room to myself for only $30 a night, pretty freakin awesome
my internet works - also awesome
ran into a very good friend from a few years ago who has been travelling. same place same time
meant to be

i was asked to move to other side of the road for these camels
bah humbug

made some friends already
pretty cool
may or may not be intoxicated
it's hard to say
love for the world xx
That looks really awesome. Glad you're having a good time