All right, you primitive screwheads, listen up!
I've been getting hassled lately about having my friend request turned off, and my photos and journals friend-only. I'm sure some people think they're being quite polite, but of course never stop to think that there is a reason for these things, and so should be allowed to be an exception.
And then someone - who, ironically, chose to remain Anonymous on my blog over at my website - got just plain rude.
So here it is, because I'm just tired enough to let my own well-meaning veneer crack just a bit, and to let everyone who may be curious what's going on know why I've chosen to go private.
I want some fucking privacy right now!
This is a huge website, people. There are almost 2000 girls here with naked pics for you to look at, and I can guaran-god-damn-tee you that - no matter what anyone might say - I am not the "hottest" among them. Why is it so hard to say to yourself "Oh, looks like she's not up for talking to strangers right now, I think I'll check out some other pretty ladies."
And hey, if you really want to get to know me, here's a tip: check out my groups, and the boards. If you cannot at least put that much effort into interaction here on this site (while still professing that you want to meet people) why the hell should I put effort into corresponding simply through private messages? Private messages allow you to get to know one person. Groups and the boards grant you brief but broad access to a wide gamut of people. It's much more fun, too.
My journals are going to continue to be private for a while, as will my pics, and my friend request will probably be turned off for even longer. I'd really appreciate it if people stopped treating it like an epic tragedy and have some fucking respect. Just because I have pictures of my boobies online does not mean I've waived every last right to privacy. The current regime is trying hard enough to whittle away at it, so I'd like to enjoy what little I've got left for as long as I can.
It seems that working 64 hours in a week brings out the best in me.
I've been getting hassled lately about having my friend request turned off, and my photos and journals friend-only. I'm sure some people think they're being quite polite, but of course never stop to think that there is a reason for these things, and so should be allowed to be an exception.
And then someone - who, ironically, chose to remain Anonymous on my blog over at my website - got just plain rude.
So here it is, because I'm just tired enough to let my own well-meaning veneer crack just a bit, and to let everyone who may be curious what's going on know why I've chosen to go private.
I want some fucking privacy right now!
This is a huge website, people. There are almost 2000 girls here with naked pics for you to look at, and I can guaran-god-damn-tee you that - no matter what anyone might say - I am not the "hottest" among them. Why is it so hard to say to yourself "Oh, looks like she's not up for talking to strangers right now, I think I'll check out some other pretty ladies."
And hey, if you really want to get to know me, here's a tip: check out my groups, and the boards. If you cannot at least put that much effort into interaction here on this site (while still professing that you want to meet people) why the hell should I put effort into corresponding simply through private messages? Private messages allow you to get to know one person. Groups and the boards grant you brief but broad access to a wide gamut of people. It's much more fun, too.
My journals are going to continue to be private for a while, as will my pics, and my friend request will probably be turned off for even longer. I'd really appreciate it if people stopped treating it like an epic tragedy and have some fucking respect. Just because I have pictures of my boobies online does not mean I've waived every last right to privacy. The current regime is trying hard enough to whittle away at it, so I'd like to enjoy what little I've got left for as long as I can.
It seems that working 64 hours in a week brings out the best in me.

I am very glad to know you Kleio, sucks to hear about the usual mob of BS you gotta deal with from random ass nudie searches... *cough*... ANYWAY hope the insane hours end asap so you can relax, have some tea and forget the rest of the world for awhile
Sending good vibes your way